24 Hours Test | Final Test - Medium

Greg Iles
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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24 Hours Test | Final Test - Medium

Greg Iles
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where do Karen and Hickey get dressed to go in the morning after the kidnapping occurs?
(a) To the cabin where Abby and Huey are.
(b) To the airport to meet Will and Cheryl.
(c) To the local police station to report the kidnapping.
(d) The accountant's office to approve the money transfer.

2. What does Will believe Hickey's ultimate plan is?
(a) To kill Karen and Abby before Will can save them.
(b) To set Abby and Karen free once the money is paid.
(c) To kill Karen and Abby in front of Will.
(d) To kill the whole family.

3. In Hickey's scheme, what information does Cheryl confess to Will is different this time from all the other kidnappings?
(a) Cheryl is supposed to take Will to the ransom drop.
(b) Will is not able to communicate with Hickey or Huey.
(c) Hickey has never had a family fight back like the Jennings.
(d) Hickey has never kidnapped a female child.

4. What conclusion does Will come up with over and over again as his last resort to help his family?
(a) To find Abby himself.
(b) Obtain Cheryl's help.
(c) To convince the police that help is needed.
(d) To return home and kill Hickey.

5. What does Huey leave behind in the cabin?
(a) The ransom money.
(b) His cell phone.
(c) Abby.
(d) His wallet.

Short Answer Questions

1. At the broker's office, what does Karen do?

2. What does Will insist on taking with him into the bank?

3. At the police station, who does Dr. McDill recognize in a photo?

4. Karen grabs the wheel of Hickey's car in order to cause what result as Will is trying to rescue his family?

5. As a last resort, what does Will do to get Cheryl to talk about Hickey's plan?

Short Essay Questions

1. At the end of Chapter 14, what causes the reader to begin to question Abby's safety?

2. What instructions are given to Will from Hickey in Chapter 18 after Hickey discovers why the police are following him?

3. In the beginning of Chapter 17, what information about Abby's health makes the reader even more concerned?

4. What information about Abby's location does Will want to receive from Cheryl and what does he actually receive, throughout Chapter 13?

5. Describe what Hickey's plans involve after the kidnapping, as described in Chapter 15.

6. What does Will come to realize is different in his daughter's kidnapping versus the other past kidnappings in Chapter 14?

7. Explain Will's plan to land the plane, as depicted in Chapter 20.

8. In Chapter 19, how does Will put his pilot's license in danger as he tries to takeoff?

9. In Chapter 14, what is Huey depicted as doing for Abby that he is also seen doing in the first chapter?

10. In Chapter 13, Will uses force to get information out of Cheryl. Describe how he does this.

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