24 Hours Test | Final Test - Medium

Greg Iles
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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24 Hours Test | Final Test - Medium

Greg Iles
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After Abby is discovered by Huey after she ran away, where is she taken?
(a) To the hotel where Will is staying.
(b) To the police station.
(c) Back home.
(d) To the cabin.

2. What does Cheryl convince Hickey her and Will are doing when he calls her?
(a) She and Will are gambling at the hotel casino.
(b) She and Will are at a bar in Biloxi.
(c) She just dropped Will off at the hotel.
(d) She and Will are driving back to the hotel.

3. In a last attempt to save Abby, in exchange for Cheryl's help what does Will offer her?
(a) All the ransom money.
(b) Help to get her out of her abusive relationship.
(c) A promise that he will not turn her into the police.
(d) All the money in his and Karen bank accounts.

4. Who does Karen call to inform that Abby is in danger no matter what after she learns of Hickey's plans for revenge?
(a) Will.
(b) Dr. McDill.
(c) Huey.
(d) The FBI.

5. What does Will have to take with him as he leaves the bank?
(a) The ransom money.
(b) The GPS tracker.
(c) Special Agent Chalmer's gun.
(d) A fake ID.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Hickey calls Cheryl, after she gave all known information to Will, what is Cheryl's next response?

2. When Hickey asks Will if he contacted the FBI, how does Will respond?

3. Why is Will and Cheryl's plane departure delayed?

4. What information is Will able to discover from the plane's radio while he is trying to locate Abby?

5. At the broker's office, what does Karen do?

Short Essay Questions

1. Explain who Stephanie Morgan is and her role in Chapter 15.

2. What information about Abby's location does Will want to receive from Cheryl and what does he actually receive, throughout Chapter 13?

3. In Chapter 19, how does Will put his pilot's license in danger as he tries to takeoff?

4. Explain how Cheryl and Hickey used to blackmail men, as depicted in Chapter 11.

5. Describe how Hickey's actions toward Stephanie Morgan in Chapter 15 reminds the reader about Hickey's personality.

6. What does Will come to realize is different in his daughter's kidnapping versus the other past kidnappings in Chapter 14?

7. Describe what actions Will suggests the FBI take in order to locate Abby in Chapter 15.

8. Describe Margaret McDill's attitude and James McDill's attitude while in the Jackson Police Department, in Chapter 11.

9. Explain Will's plan to land the plane, as depicted in Chapter 20.

10. In Chapter 18, in what way does the reader realize that Abby is a lot stronger than her parents give her credit for when it comes to her health?

(see the answer keys)

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