24 Hours Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Greg Iles
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24 Hours Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Greg Iles
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What event happens when Hickey regains control of the kidnapping after it appears that Abby is going to be saved in Chapter 10?
(a) Hickey rapes Karen.
(b) Huey finds Abby.
(c) Will is injured.
(d) The police are notified and do not respond.

2. When Will's lecture is over, his friends try to convince Will to do what?
(a) Go out drinking.
(b) Go golfing.
(c) Go gambling.
(d) Do another speech.

3. How does Will say goodbye to his daughter?
(a) He does not say goodbye.
(b) He gives her a hug and a kiss.
(c) He waggles the wings of the airplane.
(d) He simply waves.

4. When Hickey receives the ransom money, what event is supposed to happen?
(a) Karen and Abby will be released in a public area.
(b) Abby will be set free.
(c) Will will not be killed.
(d) Karen and Abby will be bought back home.

5. How are the ransom amounts configured?
(a) Its enough for the kidnappers to live for an entire year.
(b) It's enough for the kidnappers to buy a rare sculpture.
(c) It's enough to rescue the kidnappers child who is also held at ransom.
(d) It's enough to pay off the police who are on the case.

6. How does Karen help Hickey after she injures him?
(a) She surrenders.
(b) She gives him the ransom money.
(c) She gives him her cell phone.
(d) She stitches his wound.

7. What major character does Will first notice while giving his speech?
(a) His daughter.
(b) The kidnapper's wife Cheryl Lynn Tilly.
(c) The kidnapper's partner Huey Cotton.
(d) A old-friend who he has not talked to in 5 years.

8. When the kidnapper explains his plan to Karen, how does he explain how the police are never called?
(a) The police will refuse to respond.
(b) All the phone lines have been cut.
(c) The police are in on the kidnapping.
(d) There is always someone present with every member of the family.

9. What course of action does Will want to take to find Abby after he discovers that she has Huey's cell phone?
(a) Trace the cell phone call.
(b) Go directly to the cabin.
(c) Call the police.
(d) Get the FBI involved.

10. What does the FBI want to have completed before the kidnappers are tipped-off that they are suspects in the kidnapping crime?
(a) The FBI has nothing to do with the case.
(b) The current kidnapped child needs to be returned.
(c) The ransom needs to be paid.
(d) More evidence needs to discovered.

11. Who knocks on Karen's door right after Hickey explains his kidnapping scheme to Karen?
(a) Huey Cotton.
(b) A fellow junior league member.
(c) The kidnapper's partner.
(d) A family friend.

12. When Huey eventually finds Abby, what does he do to her?
(a) Takes the cell phone away from her.
(b) He threathens to hurt her.
(c) Ties her up and puts her in the basement.
(d) Kills her mother.

13. How does Will find out that Abby was kidnapped?
(a) From the woman who Will lets use his phone.
(b) Karen calls Will's hotel room.
(c) From kidapper's Huey Cotton.
(d) The kidnapping is on the news.

14. How much money will Will convince his accountant to transfer?
(a) $500,000.
(b) $750,000.
(c) $1,000,000.
(d) $200,00.

15. When Karen tends to Abby, what does she ask Abby to try to do?
(a) Try to run away from the kidnapper.
(b) Pretend like she is really sick.
(c) Steal the kidnapper's cell phone.
(d) Scream as much as possible.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is the only outside character who knows where Abby truly is during the kidnapping?

2. Back in Jackson, Dr. James McDill is trying to convince his wife to take what action?

3. How is the president of the cell phone provider connected to the one of the characters in the book?

4. Who turns out to be the kidnapper's third partner?

5. How many mothers did Karen find out that Hickey has raped?

(see the answer keys)

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