24 Hours Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Greg Iles
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24 Hours Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Greg Iles
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Karen really uses her time alone in the bathroom to do what?
(a) Call the police.
(b) Find a weapon.
(c) Find medication to drug Hickey.
(d) Call her husband.

2. Where does Abby hide when she runs away from the cabin?
(a) In the basement.
(b) In the woods.
(c) In the neighbor's house.
(d) In the shed.

3. Who intends to announce the release of the new drug Restorase?
(a) Huey.
(b) Abby.
(c) Karen.
(d) Will.

4. How are the McDills going to identify the kidnappers?
(a) Create witness sketches.
(b) Through mug shots.
(c) They are not able to attempt identification.
(d) Identify the criminals in a line-up.

5. What is Huey doing when Abby tries to run away?
(a) Sleeping.
(b) Talking to Hickey on the phone.
(c) Going to the bathroom.
(d) Getting food for Abby.

6. How does Karen help Hickey after she injures him?
(a) She gives him her cell phone.
(b) She gives him the ransom money.
(c) She surrenders.
(d) She stitches his wound.

7. In Chapter 2, Karen and Abby drive Will to what location?
(a) Bus station.
(b) Airport.
(c) Hospital.
(d) Animal Clinic.

8. When Karen tends to Abby, what does she ask Abby to try to do?
(a) Steal the kidnapper's cell phone.
(b) Pretend like she is really sick.
(c) Try to run away from the kidnapper.
(d) Scream as much as possible.

9. What food item is the kidnapper's partner instructed to feed Abby?
(a) Anything sweet.
(b) Just red meat.
(c) Just fruits and vegetables.
(d) Just crackers.

10. Karen uses what to threaten Hickey before he tries to rape her?
(a) Will's gun.
(b) A scalpel.
(c) A baseball bat.
(d) A kitchen knife.

11. What does Karen continue to think about as she is dancing for Hickey?
(a) Her suffering love life with Will.
(b) Her daughter's health.
(c) The ransom money.
(d) Her husband's medical conference.

12. While Karen is holding Hickey at gunpoint, who does she make a phone call to?
(a) The police.
(b) Will.
(c) Huey.
(d) Abby.

13. After Karen first tries to call the police, what does Karen return to the kitchen with to gain control over Hickey?
(a) A rag soaked in chloroform.
(b) Will's gun.
(c) A bottle of poison.
(d) A knife.

14. Will does not believe that Huey has the guts to perform what action to conclude the kidnapping?
(a) Rape Karen.
(b) Kill Hickey.
(c) Kill Abby.
(d) Turn himself in to the police.

15. How does Will find out that Abby was kidnapped?
(a) From kidapper's Huey Cotton.
(b) The kidnapping is on the news.
(c) Karen calls Will's hotel room.
(d) From the woman who Will lets use his phone.

Short Answer Questions

1. After Cheryl first explains the kidnapping, Will knows that he has to do what in order to help his daughter and wife?

2. How much money will Will convince his accountant to transfer?

3. What does Will offer Cheryl in return if she helps him?

4. Karen is able to talk to who while Will continues to talk to the cell phone provider?

5. Who is the kidnapper's partner at the Jennings's home?

(see the answer keys)

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