Donnie Brasco Quiz

Joseph D. Pistone
This Study Guide consists of approximately 38 pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more - everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of Donnie Brasco.

Donnie Brasco Quiz

Joseph D. Pistone
This Study Guide consists of approximately 38 pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more - everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of Donnie Brasco.

Take our free Donnie Brasco quiz below, with 25 multiple choice questions that help you test your knowledge. Determine which chapters, themes and styles you already know and what you need to study for your upcoming essay, midterm, or final exam. Take the free quiz now!

Directions: Click on the correct answer.

Questions 1-5 of 25:


At the time Pistone wrote the book there was a contract worth ___________________ on his head. (from Epilogue and Update)


Sonny Black told Brasco to look for Bruno in which state? (from Chapter 16-20)


The FBI was sure that there was a hit going on and ______________ wiseguys were missing but no bodies were found. (from Chapter 16-20)


What business opened in Florida before the business in #102? (from Chapter 11-15)


The Chicago Mafia was said to be more violent than the ______________ Mafia. (from Chapter 6-10)

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