This section contains 838 words (approx. 3 pages at 400 words per page) |
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Sections 14-15, pages 148 - 175 Summary
The next two sections deals with the arrival of another character to the trio involved in the building of the Passarola, the great musician Scarletti.
The first section in this part begins with the Padre Bartolomeu at court, after having returned from ecclesiastical studies. Here he encounters the harpsichordist Scarletti (who is attempting to teach the Infanta, the child of the Queen and King), how to play the harpsichord. The Padre and Scarletti strike up a conversation after everyone has left, in with the Padre praises the musician for his ability, and the two start a tentative friendship. Later that night, as the Padre works on his next sermon he starts to conceive of the idea that all things are mystically one; that God is in fact everywhere and everything and that would mean that he himself...
(read more from the Sections 14-15, pages 148 - 175 Summary)
This section contains 838 words (approx. 3 pages at 400 words per page) |
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