Zooplankton - Research Article from Macmillan Science Library: Animal Sciences

This encyclopedia article consists of approximately 3 pages of information about Zooplankton.

Zooplankton - Research Article from Macmillan Science Library: Animal Sciences

This encyclopedia article consists of approximately 3 pages of information about Zooplankton.
This section contains 764 words
(approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page)
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The word "plankton" refers to the floating marine organisms that live on the surface of oceans. These organisms can be plants or animals. The plant forms are microscopic algae whose photosynthesis reactions provide the Earth's atmosphere with the majority of its oxygen. The other type of plankton, composed of tiny animals, is called zooplankton.

Zooplankton is made up of hundreds of thousands of different species of animals. Some are baby or larval forms of the animals while others spend their whole life as free-floating organisms. The entire scope of species of zooplankton is enough for scientists to have identified whole communities of these organisms. These communities are very dynamic in that they change their structure and populations on a seasonal basis.

Many members of a zooplankton community begin their lives in estuaries where crabs, fishes, and a whole host of various invertebrates come to breed. The calm and...

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This section contains 764 words
(approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page)
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