Women's Literature in the 19th Century - Research Article from Feminism in Literature

This encyclopedia article consists of approximately 249 pages of information about Women's Literature in the 19th Century.

Women's Literature in the 19th Century - Research Article from Feminism in Literature

This encyclopedia article consists of approximately 249 pages of information about Women's Literature in the 19th Century.
This section contains 5,113 words
(approx. 18 pages at 300 words per page)
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Elizabeth Oakes Smith (Essay Date 1851)

SOURCE: Smith, Elizabeth Oakes. Woman and Her Needs, pp. 10-29. New York: Fowlers and Wells, 1851.

In the following excerpt, Smith underscores the importance of "Woman thought."

Whatever difference of opinion may exist amongst us as to the propriety of the recent Conventions held in our Country, called "Woman's Rights," the fact stands by itself, a handwriting on the wall, proclaiming a sense of wrong, a sense of something demanding redress, and this is fact enough to justify the movement to all candid eyes. Indeed enough to render it praiseworthy. For one, I am glad to see that our Republic has produced a class of women, who, feeling the Need of a larger sphere and a better recognition, have that clearness of intellect and strength of purpose by which they go to work resolutely to solve the difficulty. They might stay at...

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This section contains 5,113 words
(approx. 18 pages at 300 words per page)
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