The United Nations System - Research Article from Worldmark Encyclopedia of the Nations

This encyclopedia article consists of approximately 638 pages of information about The United Nations System.

The United Nations System - Research Article from Worldmark Encyclopedia of the Nations

This encyclopedia article consists of approximately 638 pages of information about The United Nations System.
This section contains 24,813 words
(approx. 83 pages at 300 words per page)
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International disaster relief, the special problems of children, refugees, the elderly, youth, the disabled, and families are all subjects for which member states have directed the UN to provide international leadership and expert guidance. The global nature of trade in illicit narcotic drugs and the internationalization of criminal activities were social ills that became so destabilizing at the end of the twentieth century that member states requested their international organization to implement innovative global programs to maintain security and social justice.

International Disaster Relief


The international community is faced with the growing challenge of preventing, mitigating the effects of, and providing humanitarian assistance to affected populations in crises that require rapid and effective response. The 1990s saw a dramatic increase in "complex emergencies" that often involved ethnic and civil strife. In mid-1994 more than 30 million people in 29 countries were in dire...

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This section contains 24,813 words
(approx. 83 pages at 300 words per page)
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The United Nations System from Gale. ©2005-2006 Thomson Gale, a part of the Thomson Corporation. All rights reserved.