Suffrage - Research Article from Governments of the World

This encyclopedia article consists of approximately 10 pages of information about Suffrage.

Suffrage - Research Article from Governments of the World

This encyclopedia article consists of approximately 10 pages of information about Suffrage.
This section contains 2,739 words
(approx. 10 pages at 300 words per page)
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Suffrage is the right to vote in an election. An important type of suffrage is universal suffrage, when all adults in a country have the right to vote without distinction by race, sex, belief, or wealth. Although it has not always been viewed as important to democracy, in the early twenty-first century many regard universal suffrage as an essential component of democracy. In fact, suffrage may be viewed as a minimum standard for democracy since the right of individuals to vote is presupposed in a requirement of competitive elections. Some of the largest social movements in history have centered on extending suffrage to disenfranchised groups (e.g., the international women's suffrage movement and the civil rights movement in the United States). Even countries that do not have other features of democracy tend to hold elections in which all or most citizens can vote. Universal suffrage has become the...

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This section contains 2,739 words
(approx. 10 pages at 300 words per page)
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