Solov'ëv (Solovyov), Vladimir Sergeevich (1853-1900) - Research Article from Encyclopedia of Philosophy

This encyclopedia article consists of approximately 15 pages of information about Solov'ëv (Solovyov), Vladimir Sergeevich (1853–1900).

Solov'ëv (Solovyov), Vladimir Sergeevich (1853-1900) - Research Article from Encyclopedia of Philosophy

This encyclopedia article consists of approximately 15 pages of information about Solov'ëv (Solovyov), Vladimir Sergeevich (1853–1900).
This section contains 4,052 words
(approx. 14 pages at 300 words per page)
Buy the Solov'v (Solovyov), Vladimir Sergeevich (1853-1900) Encyclopedia Article

Vladimir Sergeevich Solov'ëv was a Russian philosopher, poet, polemical essayist, and literary critic. His father, S. M. Solov'ëv, was an eminent historian and professor at Moscow University.

After graduating in 1873 from the historico-philological department of Moscow University, Solov'ëv studied for a year at the Moscow Theological Academy. In 1874 he defended his master's dissertation, Krizis zapadnoi filosofii. Protiv pozitivistov (The crisis of western philosophy: Against positivists) and was elected a docent of philosophy at Moscow University. During 1875–1876 he conducted research at the British Library, where he concentrated on mystical and Gnostic literature, including Jakob Boehme, Paracelsus, Emanuel Swedenborg, and the kabbalah.

Having a poetic and impressionable nature, Solov'ëv apparently possessed mediumistic gifts. Several times he had visions of Sophia, or the Eternal Feminine; he tells about one such vision...

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This section contains 4,052 words
(approx. 14 pages at 300 words per page)
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Solov'ëv (Solovyov), Vladimir Sergeevich (1853-1900) from Macmillan. Copyright © 2001-2006 by Macmillan Reference USA, an imprint of the Gale Group. All rights reserved.