Solar Energy - Research Article from Macmillan Encyclopedia of Energy

This encyclopedia article consists of approximately 21 pages of information about Solar Energy.

Solar Energy - Research Article from Macmillan Encyclopedia of Energy

This encyclopedia article consists of approximately 21 pages of information about Solar Energy.
This section contains 5,912 words
(approx. 20 pages at 300 words per page)
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John Smeaton. (Library of Congress) John Smeaton. (Library of Congress)

Energy from the sun is abundant and renewable. It is also the principal factor that has enabled and shaped life on our planet. The sun is directly or indirectly responsible for nearly all the energy on earth, except for radioactive decay heat from the earth's core, ocean tides associated with the gravitational attraction of Earth's moon, and the energy available from nuclear fission and fusion. Located approximately ninety-three million miles from Earth, the sun, an average-size star, belongs to the class of dwarf yellow stars whose members are more numerous than those of any other class. The energy radiated into outer space by the sun (solar radiation) is fueled by a fusion reaction in the sun's central core where the temperature is estimated to be about 10 million degrees. At this temperature the corresponding motion of matter is so violent that all...

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This section contains 5,912 words
(approx. 20 pages at 300 words per page)
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