Sir Edmund Hillary Leads the First Team to Reach the Summit of Mt. Everest - Research Article from Science and Its Times

This encyclopedia article consists of approximately 6 pages of information about Sir Edmund Hillary Leads the First Team to Reach the Summit of Mt. Everest.

Sir Edmund Hillary Leads the First Team to Reach the Summit of Mt. Everest - Research Article from Science and Its Times

This encyclopedia article consists of approximately 6 pages of information about Sir Edmund Hillary Leads the First Team to Reach the Summit of Mt. Everest.
This section contains 1,591 words
(approx. 6 pages at 300 words per page)
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In 1953 Edmund Hillary (1919- ) of Britain and Tenzing Norgay (1914-1986) of Nepal became the first individuals known to have reached the highest point on Earth, the summit of Mount Everest. Since that time, reaching Mount Everest's summit has become a matter of pride, both national and individual, and has led to a variety of expeditions sponsored by nations and private organizations and has even resulted in guided tours. This situation, in turn, has produced a steadily mounting death toll, culminating in the disastrous 1996 climbing season, in which eight climbers, many of them with paid guides, died during a single storm.


In 1852 a worker with the British Governmental Survey of India was calculating the heights of a number of mountains in...

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This section contains 1,591 words
(approx. 6 pages at 300 words per page)
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