Robeson, Paul (1898-1976) - Research Article from St. James Encyclopedia of Popular Culture

This encyclopedia article consists of approximately 4 pages of information about Robeson, Paul (1898-1976).

Robeson, Paul (1898-1976) - Research Article from St. James Encyclopedia of Popular Culture

This encyclopedia article consists of approximately 4 pages of information about Robeson, Paul (1898-1976).
This section contains 1,086 words
(approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page)
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Paul Robeson must be counted among the most broadly talented men ever born in the United States, but the fact that he was also a "Negro" in a society that could not easily accept exceptional skills in one of his race regularly limited his opportunities to demonstrate his talents. That he accomplished so much in so many public arenas despite the restrictions he faced remains especially remarkable. At times Robeson was probably, often simultaneously, the most famous and controversial black man in America; in retrospect, his long and complex public career marks some of the high and low points in American race relations during the twentieth century.

While Robeson frequently faced racism and, eventually, political intolerance, he nevertheless excelled in whatever field he entered: he was an excellent scholar, an All-American athlete, a riveting stage and screen actor, a spellbinding orator, and one of...

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This section contains 1,086 words
(approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page)
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Robeson, Paul (1898-1976) from Gale. ©2005-2006 Thomson Gale, a part of the Thomson Corporation. All rights reserved.