This section contains 743 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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Fifth century B.C.
Greek Architect
Ictinus, a celebrated Greek architect, worked on such famous structures as the Parthenon on the Acropolis, the Temple of the Mysteries at Eleusis, and the Temple of Apollo Epicurius at Bassae. The sheer scale, as well as the artistic grace of the Parthenon, are testament to the skill of Ictinus and other Greek architects of the day.
The exact dates Ictinus's birth and death are not known, but it is clear that he lived during the fifth century B.C. Very little is known about his life, though much is known about his work. It thought that Ictinus was not Athenian, but rather from the western Peloponnese. During the golden age of art and architecture in Greece, Pericles commissioned Ictinus and Callicrates to work, under the artistic vision of Phidias, on the Parthenon. The Parthenon, when completed, embodied all the refinements, civilization...
This section contains 743 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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