Editor's Preface - Research Article from Encyclopedia of Religious Practices

This encyclopedia article consists of approximately 5 pages of information about Editor's Preface.

Editor's Preface - Research Article from Encyclopedia of Religious Practices

This encyclopedia article consists of approximately 5 pages of information about Editor's Preface.
This section contains 1,211 words
(approx. 5 pages at 300 words per page)
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Although great effort has gone into this work, we would appreciate any suggestions for future editions of the Worldmark Encyclopedia of Religious Practices. Please send comments to the following address:

Worldmark Encyclopedia of Religious Practices
Thomson Gale
27500 Drake Road
Farmington Hills, Michigan 48331

In 2001 Thomson Gale had a simple but ambitious goal: to produce an encyclopedia outlining the contemporary religious practices of every country in the world—from the very largest, such as China, India, Brazil, and Russia, to the smallest, such as Tuvalu, Andorra, and Antigua and Barbuda. Because this information has not been readily available in books or other sources in libraries, as well as on the Internet, the project required years of planning and hard work by a large group of people: our distinguished board of 10 advisers, the 245 scholars and other subject specialists commissioned to write essays or...

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This section contains 1,211 words
(approx. 5 pages at 300 words per page)
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Editor's Preface from Gale. ©2005-2006 Thomson Gale, a part of the Thomson Corporation. All rights reserved.