Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Robert M. Pirsig
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 216 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Robert M. Pirsig
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 216 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. A supersaturated solution will only crystallize when certain conditions are met unless there is a
(a) sense of Quality.
(b) violent shaking.
(c) seed crystal.
(d) foreign object.

2. The high meadow is welcome like
(a) a rainbow.
(b) the promised land.
(c) the rain in the spring.
(d) the promise of a new beginning.

3. Riding along the marshes reminds the Narrator of
(a) the heat and humidity of the summer.
(b) the loneliness of the two-lane road.
(c) how cold winters can be.
(d) the opening of duck season.

4. Philosophy attempts to answer questions like:
(a) Who am I? Where did I come from?
(b) What is substance? What are time and space?
(c) What does it all mean? What's the purpose of all this?
(d) What is man's purpose? How are people related to nature?

5. Who introduces the topic of ghost stories?
(a) Chris
(b) The Narrator
(c) John
(d) Sylvia

6. The Narrator approaches maintaining his motorcycle like
(a) a person entering a church for a religious rite.
(b) a person entering a theater for entertainment.
(c) a person entering a home for refuge from the world.
(d) a person entering a bar for refreshment.

7. The mechanics where the Narrator had taken his motorcycle when it was seizing did not fix it properly since they
(a) did not read the manual for that bike.
(b) did not care enough to learn to do it right.
(c) did not have the proper tools.
(d) were dancing and singing along with the radio.

8. Which of the following is NOT a book the Narrator has brought on the trip?
(a) Thoreau's Walden
(b) Chilton's Motorcycle Troubleshooting Guide
(c) Harley Davidson's How to Fix Motorcycles
(d) A shop manual for his motorcycle

9. Unpacking at the campground is difficult due to
(a) the flashlight's disappearance.
(b) Sylvia's complaining.
(c) the extreme exhaustion of the group.
(d) the lack of help from Chris.

10. Phaedrus corresponded with the Northwest Regional Accrediting Association
(a) because he believed that the university had violated accreditation requirements.
(b) to get letters proving he was a professor at an accredited university.
(c) because he was unhappy with their method of accrediting the English department.
(d) to see of they would accredit a college he was starting.

11. The Narrator divides human understanding into
(a) Romanesque and Classical.
(b) romantic and gothic.
(c) romantic and classic.
(d) Roman and Greek.

12. John is interested in
(a) what things are.
(b) what things mean.
(c) what is the underlying form of things.
(d) what things appear to be.

13. The professor meant that the bombing of the Japanese cities
(a) caused much destruction from fire.
(b) helped people have better understanding.
(c) was not a part of reality.
(d) was a great idea that ended that part of the war.

14. The Narrator does not want to go faster than
(a) forty-five miles per hour.
(b) sixty-five miles per hour.
(c) fifty miles per hour.
(d) sixty miles per hour.

15. It was necessary for Phaedrus to have animal courage to
(a) escape mental illness.
(b) escape the shell of rationality.
(c) endure Annihilation ECS.
(d) fight the wolf he met.

Short Answer Questions

1. A topsy-turvy feeling of inadequacy results when

2. Annihilation ECS consisted of

3. What does Chris want to do as Chapter 4 ends (their second night)?

4. The kind of truth one seems to see out of the corner of one's eye or when the procedure goes haywire is called

5. Why does the Narrator almost leave the building with Chris?

(see the answer keys)

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