Wringer Test | Final Test - Medium

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Wringer Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 168 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Dorothy suggest Palmer do to end his problem of not wanting to be a wringer?
(a) Tell everyone he is allergic to birds.
(b) Tell everyone he is moving away.
(c) Tell everyone he is not a murderer.
(d) Tell everyone he does not want to wring pigeons' necks.

2. Where did Palmer wake up the day after his birthday party?
(a) In his closet.
(b) In his living room.
(c) In his parent's room.
(d) In his bed room.

3. Who is on the soccer field when the gang arrives?
(a) The other ten year olds and the teacher.
(b) The gang and Beans's father.
(c) The kids from the Boy Scout troop.
(d) The gang and Mr. LaRue.

4. Who brings Nipper into the meadow and then into the woods?
(a) Dorothy does since she has the basket.
(b) Palmer does on Dorothy's bike.
(c) Neither one, they set him free at the meadow's edge.
(d) They both take him in and leave him.

5. What does Palmer do right before getting The Treatment?
(a) Rolls up his sleeves and starts to cry.
(b) Rolls down his sleeve, steps back and says no.
(c) Asks if Beans could give The Treatment this time.
(d) Rolls up both sleeves for a double treatment.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was Beans holding when he came to the door the morning after the party?

2. What does Palmer's dad get for him?

3. What are the two benefits Palmer realizes from misbehaving in school?

4. What do Dorothy and Palmer decide to do with Nipper?

5. Why can't Palmer ask the gang over to see for themselves that the pigeon is gone?

Short Essay Questions

1. After refusing The Treatment and leaving the gang, Palmer again places Nipper's needs above his. What does he decide to do next?

2. When Palmer refuses The Treatment from Farquar, what does he tell Beans when he is screaming at him? Why does he run from the gang then? What does Beans yell to Palmer as he is running away?

3. When Palmer attends the pigeon shoot this year, what does he come to realize about his memories of shoots from years passed?

4. Why are Dorothy and Palmer certain they must get Nipper out of town? What other options do they have?

5. Palmer is not excited on his birthday, not thrilled with presents or the presence of his friends. Many things hang heavy in his mind. What are some of the things that are troubling Palmer on his tenth birthday?

6. When Dorothy realizes all of the things Palmer has done to keep Nipper from harm, she calls him a hero. Why does Dorothy think Palmer is a hero? Does he feel like a hero?

7. What other issue between Dorothy and Palmer comes up in Chapter 29? How does Palmer feel about the situation? How does he resolve it?

8. Palmer makes his plan to avoid confrontation with Beans and Mutto on the night of his birthday. What is his plan, and does it work?

9. What curious thing does Palmer notice at the Titans baseball game? What does it remind him of?

10. In Chapter 29, what is Dorothy's solution to Palmer's problem? What does she do, and how does Palmer react?

(see the answer keys)

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