Wringer Test | Final Test - Easy

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Wringer Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 168 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where do Beans and the gang take Palmer the day after his birthday?
(a) To a movie for his birthday gilt.
(b) To ask his mother where he was the night before.
(c) To see Farquar for The Treatment.
(d) To Bean's house.

2. What does Palmer do with his toy soldiers the day after the big battle he had staged with them and the enemy eraser?
(a) He puts them in his closet in a new box.
(b) He puts them back in his dresser drawer.
(c) He gives them back to his father.
(d) He buries them in the back yard.

3. For what does Palmer thank Henry?
(a) The warning on his birthday cake.
(b) Answering his questions.
(c) His birthday present.
(d) Not messing up his room on the search.

4. Why does Palmer tell Dorothy he lives in the wrong town?
(a) Because he should live in a big city.
(b) Because he wants to be on the stage.
(c) Because he is a natural comedian.
(d) Because in his town people kill pigeons.

5. Who does Palmer find has joined his side at the shoot?
(a) Dorothy.
(b) His father.
(c) Beans.
(d) His mother.

6. What does the worker that Palmer meets give to him?
(a) A cold can of Sprite.
(b) A Coke.
(c) A popcicle.
(d) A cold bottle of root beer.

7. What are some of the ways Palmer says the gang might try to kill Nipper?
(a) Slingshots, BB guns, and poison.
(b) Slingshots, pellet guns, and nets.
(c) Nets, pellet guns, and traps.
(d) Poison, traps, and slingshots.

8. Who does Palmer believe left the message on his cake?
(a) Beans.
(b) HIs father.
(c) Henry.
(d) Dorothy.

9. What do the boys run in to the den to look at again and again?
(a) Mr. LaRue's Sharpshooter Award.
(b) Mr. LaRue's big screen television.
(c) The dart board.
(d) The family portrait.

10. What do Dorothy and Palmer finally decide to do with Nipper?
(a) Release Nipper in the park and leave food for him there.
(b) Let Palmer's parents help them make a plan for Nipper.
(c) Dorothy will hide Nipper in her room until the gang leaves Palmer alone.
(d) Dorothy will release him far away while she is on vacation.

11. With what does Palmer play in his room alone?
(a) With the new Lego set his parents gave him after Nipper left.
(b) With the shoe box that Nipper roosted in.
(c) With the new Nerf football he bought.
(d) With the soldiers his father gave him for his birthday.

12. What does Palmer's dad get for him?
(a) He catches a foul ball.
(b) He buys him a cap.
(c) He wins him a stuffed pigeon.
(d) He gets him a new bike.

13. How does Beans react to Palmer's running away from the gang?
(a) He mumbles to himself and walks away.
(b) He yells to Palmer that he is no longer in the gang.
(c) He tells Henry to go after Palmer and bring him back.
(d) He screams at Palmer that he will pull the heads of both Palmer and his pigeon.

14. What does Mr. LaRue think of Palmer's friend Nipper?
(a) He feels sorry for his son because he has to be a wringer this summer.
(b) He has accepted Nipper and even goes to see him at night with a flashlight.
(c) He explains he is allergic to birds.
(d) He is furious and wants Nipper out of the house immediately.

15. When Dorothy tells him he is famous, how does Palmer respond?
(a) He does not want to be famous, he wants to be infamous.
(b) He does not want to be famous, he wants to be invisible.
(c) He does not like people talking about him behind his back.
(d) He likes being famous and wants to be known as a clown.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Palmer cover himself up to go to school the day after Nipper lands on his head in front of the gang?

2. Palmer tells Dorothy there are two things they need to do so that Nipper will not come back. What are they?

3. What does Palmer's mother tell him she has seen on the stairway of the house?

4. What does Miss Kiner ask Palmer to do as punishment?

5. With whom does Palmer go to the Family Fest?

(see the answer keys)

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