Women of the Silk Test | Final Test - Easy

Gail Tsukiyama
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Women of the Silk Test | Final Test - Easy

Gail Tsukiyama
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the weather when Ji Shen appears at the girls' house one evening?
(a) Cold.
(b) Snowing.
(c) Hot and dry.
(d) Rainy and windy.

2. What does Mui call Lin?
(a) Dear one.
(b) Little girl.
(c) Lady.
(d) Missy.

3. What does Pei say about Ho Yung, Lin's youngest brother?
(a) He is a flirt.
(b) He likes to eat a lot.
(c) He most closely resembles Lin.
(d) Auntie Yee would like him.

4. What is Wing Lee's?
(a) Expensive restaurant.
(b) Temple.
(c) Butcher's.
(d) Market shop.

5. When Pao sees Pei walking toward the pond when she returns home, how does he describe his daughter's appearance?
(a) Tall and quite beautiful.
(b) Bedraggled.
(c) Short like her mother.
(d) Pretty with red hair.

6. Who is Lau Chen?
(a) Sui Ying's husband.
(b) Lin's brother.
(c) Chung's assistant.
(d) Pei's brother.

7. What did Chung come to the factory to tell the women in Chapter 17?
(a) He is closing the factory.
(b) He asked their opinion on new designs.
(c) He wants to give them pay raises.
(d) He had a new shipment.

8. How does Pei feel once she sees the village of her youth again?
(a) Excited like a child.
(b) Fear.
(c) Resentful.
(d) Filled with bad memories.

9. What does Lin suggest that she and Pei do at the start of the New Year's?
(a) Take a trip to the country.
(b) Start their own silk factory.
(c) Open a dance studio.
(d) Hire a car to take them to work.

10. Who does Auntie Yee dream of the night she dies?
(a) Her brother Chan.
(b) Flying like a white bird.
(c) Working in the silk factory.
(d) Sailing on the Pearl River.

11. When Pei goes back to her family's farm, what color does she describe the soil as?
(a) Rust.
(b) Brown.
(c) Brownish-orange.
(d) Black.

12. What are Lin's brothers wearing when they greet Pei and Lin?
(a) Dark suits with starched white collars.
(b) Long silk robes.
(c) White pants and shirts.
(d) Red shirts.

13. Where is Pei seated at Lin's brother's wedding banquet?
(a) Table with relatives.
(b) Table with children.
(c) Head table.
(d) At a table with foreigners.

14. How long is the list of demands that comes from the secret meeting?
(a) One page.
(b) Two pages.
(c) Six pages.
(d) Three pages.

15. What is Moi burning in the house when Auntie Yee is sick?
(a) Dinner.
(b) Newspaper.
(c) Old clothes.
(d) Incense.

Short Answer Questions

1. When did the strike begin at the factory?

2. How does Lin die?

3. Where does Pao go when he feels tears burning in his eyes at the end of Chapter 14?

4. Where does Yu-sung go after Pei and Lin have left her house?

5. Who sends Lin a phonograph and records?

(see the answer keys)

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