The Woman Warrior Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Woman Warrior Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who tells Maxine the story of her aunt?
(a) The narrator's sister.
(b) The narrator's father.
(c) The narrator's mother.
(d) The narrator's grandmother.

2. What word does Maxine always add to boys' names?
(a) Friend.
(b) Mr.
(c) Brother.
(d) Father.

3. Who is Kuan Kung?
(a) The legendary heroine the woman looks up to.
(b) The woman's husband.
(c) The emperor the woman is going to fight.
(d) The god of literature and war.

4. Why does Maxine feel her aunt's ghost is suffering?
(a) She is loved by others.
(b) She must fight for food.
(c) She has unfinished business.
(d) She must haunt the villagers.

5. When the girl returns from her journey, what is it time for her to begin?
(a) Her dragon lessons.
(b) Learning about her visions.
(c) Learning about the white tigers.
(d) Her cooking lessons.

6. Why do the villagers curse Maxine's aunt's home?
(a) They want to avenge her husband.
(b) They are afraid her infidelity harmed them.
(c) She stole food from them.
(d) She cursed her neighbor's child.

7. In the white crane boxing story, what does the spirit of the white crane later become?
(a) A child.
(b) A black crane.
(c) An old man.
(d) An old woman.

8. What does the girl in Maxine's story follow at the beginning of the story?
(a) The shadows of the sun.
(b) The call of a bird.
(c) The whistle of the wind.
(d) The whispers of a ghost.

9. When did Maxine's aunt marry her husband?
(a) The day before her baby was born.
(b) A year before he left for America.
(c) A year before her baby was born.
(d) The day before he left for America.

10. What is the woman distracted by that leads to her capture?
(a) Wildflowers.
(b) Men.
(c) Deer tracks.
(d) Birds.

11. What does Maxine say about the separation between China and America?
(a) Her mother does not acknowledge a separation.
(b) There is a lack of separation.
(c) There is a separation in ghost stories.
(d) There is a huge separation in culture.

12. Who is the father of Maxine's aunt's baby?
(a) The narrator's aunt's husband.
(b) The narrator does not know.
(c) A man who raped the narrator's aunt.
(d) The narrator's aunt's neighbor.

13. Why does Maxine re-tell her aunts story?
(a) So she can break the curse of her aunt.
(b) So her mother will be angry.
(c) So she can be haunted by ghosts.
(d) So she can depict the aunt in a better light.

14. What does the woman give the women with bound feet?
(a) New shoes.
(b) Beads.
(c) Salve and prayers.
(d) Bags of rice.

15. In No Name Woman, which character dies?
(a) The narrator's mother.
(b) The narrator's aunt.
(c) The narrator's father.
(d) The narrator's uncle.

Short Answer Questions

1. While working at the paint shop, what is the name of the color that offends Maxine?

2. Who does the girl see as her future husband in the water gourd?

3. Why do the young woman's parents carve words into her back upon her return?

4. What is the other meaning of the Chinese word for female?

5. Which of these ideas is not introduced in "No Name Woman"?

(see the answer keys)

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