Winterset Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Winterset Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Mio was four, where did he visit his father?
(a) In a park.
(b) In prison.
(c) Near the river.
(d) On a farm.

2. At the end of Act 1, why does Mio remain outside after all the other characters have left?
(a) He has nowhere to go.
(b) He wants to see the body for himself.
(c) He claims to have business in the neighborhood.
(d) He is waiting for Miriamne.

3. What does Miriamne give Mio before he leaves in Act 2?
(a) Money.
(b) The letter.
(c) A slap.
(d) A hug.

4. In Act 1, Scene 3, who has Mio come to visit?
(a) Esdras.
(b) Garth.
(c) Trock.
(d) Shadow.

5. Why does Garth claim he was taken in for questioning at the time of the pay roll robbery murder?
(a) He resembled a suspect.
(b) He was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
(c) He once met Romagna at a party.
(d) He is a victim of racial profiling.

6. In Act 2, how does Mio keep Trock from leaving the room?
(a) With Trock's own gun.
(b) By blocking the doorway.
(c) By threatening to call the police.
(d) By locking the door.

7. What is Mio really searching for when he knocks on the apartment door in Chapter 2?
(a) A place to sleep.
(b) Miriamne.
(c) The truth about the pay roll robbery murder.
(d) Trock's letter.

8. How does Judge Gaunt describe the professor's work?
(a) Drivel.
(b) A tawdry tabloid.
(c) Pure fabrication.
(d) Sheer genius.

9. Who picks up Trock's dropped gun?
(a) Romanga.
(b) The Tramp.
(c) Lucia.
(d) Mio.

10. What name does Mio give Trock in Act 2?
(a) Theophrastus Such.
(b) Oke.
(c) Bartolomeo.
(d) Romanga.

11. According to Mio, who destroyed his father?
(a) The world and society.
(b) Trock.
(c) The Father of Lies.
(d) Shadow.

12. In Act 2, who does Trock follow back into the apartment?
(a) Mio and Miriamne.
(b) Esdras and Judge Gaunt.
(c) Garth and Shadow.
(d) Lucia and Piny.

13. Who is accused of Shadow's death?
(a) Mio.
(b) Romanga.
(c) The Tramp.
(d) Trock

14. In the beginning of Act 2, what sound can be heard offstage?
(a) A violin.
(b) A gunshot.
(c) A shout.
(d) A piano.

15. In Act 2, how does Miriamne entice Mio to stay?
(a) She kisses him.
(b) She hints that she will reveal more information.
(c) She offers to share her bed.
(d) She offers him a hot meal.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which character does Mio threaten to murder in Act 2?

2. In Act 1, Scene 3, whom does Shadow say he is keeping out of trouble?

3. Why does Judge Gaunt offer Esdras money?

4. In Act 2, which character does Miriamne describe as "a king among men?"

5. What has Professor Hobhouse written?

(see the answer keys)

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