When You Trap a Tiger Test | Final Test - Medium

Tae Keller
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 199 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

When You Trap a Tiger Test | Final Test - Medium

Tae Keller
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 199 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Joan trying to tell Lily when Halmoni starts trying to make her eat a piece of kalbi?
(a) That she tried one of Lily's rice cakes and thinks they are good.
(b) That she spoke to Ricky's father on the phone.
(c) That Lily needs to stop talking about tigers because it is upsetting her grandmother.
(d) That she would like both Lily and Sam to help with the library bake sale.

2. What is Sam doing at the window in the middle of the night at the beginning of Chapter 26?
(a) Watching the stars.
(b) Getting ready to drop a rope out.
(c) Signaling to a friend outside.
(d) Tossing her backpack out.

3. What does Jensen pull Sam away to help her with in Chapter 30?
(a) Shelving books.
(b) An email newsletter.
(c) Organizing tables for the bake sale.
(d) A poster.

4. In Chapter 41, what does the tiger tell Lily the tiger-girl has learned?
(a) That love is more important than being right.
(b) That family can come in many forms.
(c) That it is possible to be more than just one thing.
(d) That stories are a way of connecting people.

5. When Lily goes up to her bedroom in Chapter 36, what is the thumping noise that she hears?
(a) The tiger bounding up the stairs behind her.
(b) Sam climbing up the rope to their room.
(c) Halmoni falling in the kitchen.
(d) Joan coming in and slamming the front door.

Short Answer Questions

1. What technique is used in the page 270 sentence "It's scratchy, and the fabric scritch-skritches against my thighs"?

2. What does Lily realize when she sees the tiger at the beginning of Chapter 27?

3. What does Joan warn Lily is a side-effect of the herbs that Halmoni takes for her nausea?

4. In Chapter 41, what does the tiger tell Lily about the story from the broken jar?

5. On the seventh night after Halmoni dies, what favorite food does Ricky text Lily about?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 38, what does Lily learn about Sam's adventures outside the house at night?

2. When Lily gets ready to go downstairs in Chapter 26, what similarity does she recognize to Halmoni's story, and how does it make her feel?

3. Why does Lily want to throw away the rice cakes before even baking them, and how does Ricky convince her not to?

4. What does Halmoni tell Lily about the star jars in Chapter 35, and what does Lily do as a result in Chapter 36?

5. When Lily gets to the hospital in Chapter 41, what two things tell her that Halmoni is dying?

6. When Lily talked with Olivia at the restaurant, what did Olivia mention that Lily thought would never happen, and how does it actually happen in Chapter 29?

7. Why is Joan upset that Lily has done something mean to Ricky, in particular, and what does she say Lily will need to do?

8. In Chapter 40, what evidence is there that the tiger might actually be real?

9. In Chapter 41, what realization does Lily come to about the tiger's identity, and what clues help her figure it out?

10. What does Joan tell Lily and Sam on the way home from the restaurant in Chapter 24, and how does Sam react?

(see the answer keys)

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