When You Trap a Tiger Test | Final Test - Easy

Tae Keller
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 199 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

When You Trap a Tiger Test | Final Test - Easy

Tae Keller
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 199 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Besides Japan, which other country does Halmoni say did bad things to Korea?
(a) China.
(b) Taiwan.
(c) Great Britain.
(d) The United States.

2. Why is Sam scared to drive herself and Lily to the hospital?
(a) She does not have permission to use the car.
(b) It is not legal for her to drive without an adult.
(c) She is too emotional to drive safely.
(d) Their father died in a car accident.

3. On page 171, what does Joan say that Lily thinks "moms are never supposed to say"?
(a) "I don't care."
(b) "I've lost hope."
(c) "I need help."
(d) "I don't know."

4. When Sam pretends to hand a star to Lily in Halmoni's hospital room, what is she saying with this gesture?
(a) That Lily should be the one to tell the story.
(b) That she now believes in the same magic that Lily believes in.
(c) That Lily is the one that Halmoni loves best.
(d) That she is playing along in order to be a good older sister.

5. Joan's search for the rice and the rice that Lily found on the stairs are examples of what plotting device?
(a) Exposition.
(b) Central conflict.
(c) Nonlinear narrative.
(d) Foreshadowing.

6. From her comments to Lily in Chapter 33, what is it clear that Sam thinks she cannot believe in and be a grownup?
(a) God.
(b) Prayer.
(c) Magic.
(d) Miracles.

7. What is Joan trying to tell Lily when Halmoni starts trying to make her eat a piece of kalbi?
(a) That Lily needs to stop talking about tigers because it is upsetting her grandmother.
(b) That she spoke to Ricky's father on the phone.
(c) That she tried one of Lily's rice cakes and thinks they are good.
(d) That she would like both Lily and Sam to help with the library bake sale.

8. Why does Sam feel responsible for Halmoni's collapse?
(a) She caused a commotion by yelling at Lily.
(b) Her behavior has caused stress for both her mother and Halmoni.
(c) She wished that her grandmother would die soon.
(d) She never wanted to come to Sunbeam in the first place.

9. What is the first thing that Halmoni says that Lily thinks she might be wrong about?
(a) Tigers are tricky.
(b) It is better to hide sad stories.
(c) Joan is not a good daughter.
(d) Sisters should stick together.

10. In Lily's story in Chapter 43, what does Eggi do to try to change her grandmother back?
(a) Scatters rice.
(b) Burns pine nuts.
(c) Spills the stars.
(d) Talks to a tiger.

11. What is Ricky's father's name?
(a) John.
(b) Rick.
(c) Steven.
(d) Avery.

12. What other strange thing beside mud does Ricky say he has eaten?
(a) A cricket.
(b) A worm.
(c) A cockroach.
(d) A salamander.

13. On page 270, Halmoni says that she has seen her "umma." From context, what must this word mean?
(a) God.
(b) Mother.
(c) Tiger.
(d) Family.

14. In Chapter 41, what does the tiger tell Lily the tiger-girl has learned?
(a) That it is possible to be more than just one thing.
(b) That love is more important than being right.
(c) That family can come in many forms.
(d) That stories are a way of connecting people.

15. On page 278, when Lily says that she is scared, what does Joan tell her?
(a) "Be brave for Halmoni."
(b) "Sam and I are scared, too."
(c) "There's nothing to be scared of."
(d) "You're not alone."

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Lily have to substitute for bean paste in her rice cakes?

2. When Sam and Lily get to Halmoni's room, what is Joan doing?

3. Why does Lily call Ricky at the end of Chapter 24?

4. On page 277, when Lily says that the stories were supposed to save Halmoni, what does Joan reply?

5. On their car ride home from the restaurant, what does Sam reveal to her family?

(see the answer keys)

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