Timeline Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Timeline Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What concept does Stern explain to the group as they are traveling to ITC headquarters?
(a) Waves as inversions of cosines
(b) Quantum foam
(c) Inter-dimensional sound
(d) Quarks as thought entities

2. What does Chris see that makes him relax in the chapter “Castelgard”?
(a) The mill bridge
(b) The tower
(c) The Professor
(d) Kate

3. What does Sue Gomez do in the travel room?
(a) She runs the machine to keep track of the person
(b) She hooks the IV up to each person
(c) A scan of each person's brain
(d) Prepares to demonstrate traveling

4. What social class is the medieval clothing Gordon gives the Yale team?
(a) Noble
(b) Peasant
(c) Marek is going as a noble with his peasant retainers
(d) Neither noble nor peasant

5. What does Gordon advise Doniger to refrain from telling the Yale group?
(a) About the fact that many who have traveled have not returned
(b) About the overt risks of travel
(c) About the potential for time paradox
(d) About why the Professor has not returned

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Marek watch that stuns him in the chapter “Castelgard”?

2. What advise does the Professor give Sir Oliver regarding defending Castelgard?

3. Where will the group travel directly from their arrival spot?

4. Why might the field bucks sometimes show that a person is returning even before the person leaves?

5. About what does Kate warn Marek and Chris?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Kate's state of mind change, and what does that help her to do?

2. What does Diane Kramer prohibit Victor from doing, and what is his response?

3. What helps Chris to relax a little at site when they arrive?

4. What good news/bad news does Diane Kramer give Doniger?

5. How long will it take to get the transit room cleared out enough to rebuild?

6. What does Stern explain to the others while they are riding to Black Rock?

7. How does Chris take the traveling?

8. What does Gordon tell David Stern concerning David's desire to join his friends?

9. What is the first defensive weapon Gordon gives each traveler?

10. What does Oliver ask the Professor, who is known as the magister, to make?

(see the answer keys)

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