The Thorn Birds Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Thorn Birds Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Mary Carson is jealous of which character?
(a) Paddy.
(b) Meggie.
(c) Fiona.
(d) Frank.

2. Who is the first person that the Cleary family meets when they arrive in Gillanbone?
(a) Mary Carson.
(b) Father Ralph.
(c) Paddy Cleary's mother.
(d) Fiona's sister.

3. Why is Ralph sent to Gillanbone?
(a) To meet up with Meggie.
(b) For disrespecting a bishop.
(c) To assist Mary Carson.
(d) Because he stole money from the Church.

4. Why does Meggie leave school?
(a) Mary no longer wants to pay tuition at the school.
(b) Meggie needs to help Paddy with the sheep.
(c) Meggie is making poor grades.
(d) A pregnant Fiona cannot manage all of the housework.

5. Why does Paddy get into an argument with Frank when they are in Gillanbone for the Show and Picnic Races?
(a) Frank does not participate in the blacksmith event.
(b) Frank loses the boxing match.
(c) Frank is boxing.
(d) Frank loses Meggie.

6. How frequently is mail delivered to Drogheda?
(a) Every three days.
(b) Every month.
(c) Every week.
(d) Every six weeks.

7. What is Father Ralph's new role since the death of Mary Carson?
(a) He is a private secretary to an Archbishop in Sydney.
(b) He is Paddy's supervisor.
(c) He becomes a school teacher.
(d) He hires workers for Drogheda.

8. Where is Paddy when the big storm strikes?
(a) Visiting Frank in prison.
(b) In Gillanbone.
(c) Sitting by the fire at Drogheda.
(d) Out in the paddocks, rounding up sheep.

9. Who finds Paddy's remains?
(a) Father Ralph.
(b) Fiona.
(c) Stuart.
(d) Meggie.

10. What are the names of the twins that Fiona gives birth to?
(a) Frank and Chris.
(b) James and Patrick.
(c) Adam and Michael.
(d) Patrick and Ralph.

11. What is Paddy's job?
(a) Sheep herder.
(b) Day laborer for other farmers.
(c) Storekeeper.
(d) Welder.

12. What does Mary provide for the Cleary family for her 72nd birthday party?
(a) Indoor plumbing.
(b) A bigger house.
(c) All new party clothes.
(d) New sheep.

13. Why does Ralph ignore Meggie at Mary's birthday party?
(a) He is tired of her childish ways.
(b) He blames her for Hal's death.
(c) Paddy asks him to.
(d) To prevent rumors of a liaison.

14. Who dotes on Jims and Patsy?
(a) Father Ralph.
(b) Mrs. Smith, the housekeeper
(c) Fiona.
(d) Paddy.

15. What does Mary Carson have difficulty keeping?
(a) Her bills paid.
(b) A date with the town doctor.
(c) A doctor's appointment.
(d) A station manager.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many days does the fire burn before the rains come?

2. What does the housekeeper tell Ralph the morning after Mary Carson's birthday party?

3. Which of the following is a gift that Ralph receives from Mary?

4. When Fiona is bedridden with her latest pregnancy, who is her greatest helper?

5. What event draws the Cleary family closer?

(see the answer keys)

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