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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What is the name of Aunt Lucia's security company?
(a) Always Secure.
(b) Mountain View Security.
(c) AK Security.
(d) Blue Violet Security.
2. What kind of garments does the dress shop near Tambu's office sell?
(a) Egyptian.
(b) Ghanian and Nigerian.
(c) American and British.
(d) Chinese and Vietnamese.
3. What position does Tambu's mother hold in the village?
(a) Secretary of the Knitting Group.
(b) Treasurer of the Women's Club.
(c) President of the Village Council.
(d) Secretary of the Parents' Group.
4. What has Tamu forgotten to do in the beginning of Chapter 15?
(a) Weed the garden Nyasha asked her to weed.
(b) Take Mai Taka to her doctor's appointment.
(c) Thank Nyasha for letting her stay at her house.
(d) Pay Nyasha back the money she had loaned her.
5. Why is Tambu jealous of Pedzi?
(a) Tambu thinks Pedzi is smarter than she is.
(b) Pedzi has come up with new ideas for the business.
(c) Pedzi is young and beautiful.
(d) Tambu thinks Pedzi is richer than she is.
Short Answer Questions
1. What does the chairwoman of the Women's Club offer to Tambu?
2. What does Tambu suffer from in Chapter 17?
3. What does Tambu do with the money she had planned on spending on Elizabeth?
4. What do the women wear in the ad Tracey shows Tambu in Chapter 15?
5. What does Tracey say the Chinese are interested in?
Short Essay Questions
1. When they meet in Chapter 14, what does Tracey ask Tambu?
2. How does Tambu feel about her colleague Pedzi?
3. What does Nyasha bring for Tambu in Chapter 17 from her own house that Tambu left behind?
4. Who visits Tambu at her new house in Chapter 17, and what do they do there?
5. Why is Ma'Tabitha worried about Tambu in Chapter 17?
6. What continues to bother Tambu about her job security and career in Chapter 16?
7. What are the long-term effects of Tambu's assault on Elizabeth that the reader discovers in Chapter 17?
8. What news do Christine and Aunt Lucia bring to Tambu in Chapter 21?
9. What is Pedzi's new idea for Green Jacaranda in Chapter 16?
10. What happens with Mai Taka and her husband Silence when Mai Taka goes to the movies with Nyasha's family in Chapter 13?
This section contains 636 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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