There Are No Children Here Test | Final Test - Medium

Alex Kotlowitz
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

There Are No Children Here Test | Final Test - Medium

Alex Kotlowitz
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does LaJoe want to try and move away from Horner?
(a) so that she can find a job
(b) so that the children can go to a better school
(c) so Terrence won't have to return to Horner
(d) so the police cannot find Lafeyette

2. What does Pharoah see that makes him stutter again?
(a) a rainbow
(b) a police car
(c) an elephant
(d) a murder

3. What has Terrence accomplished in prison?
(a) learned to read and write
(b) become a professional wrestler
(c) learned a new trade
(d) earned a high school equivalency

4. Who is Clarise?
(a) Pharoah's new girlfriend
(b) Rickey's bad sister
(c) the smartest girl in Pharoah's class
(d) LaJoe's cousin

5. When LaJoe tells Weasel, her oldest son, what the man did to her, what does Weasel do?
(a) He calls the police.
(b) He finds Keith and beats him up.
(c) He gets his gang to beat up Keith.
(d) He takes a gun and shoots Keith.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who threatens to bash LaJoe's head in because she ignores his flirtations?

2. Why does Lafeyette want to fight his father?

3. What does Pharoah admit is his greatest fear?

4. What does Pharoah decide to clean to get out of Lafeyette's way?

5. When does Lafeyette lose another friend who dies in a car accident during a police chase?

Short Essay Questions

1. What improvements are made to the apartment in the summer of 1989?

2. Describe the shooting of Craig Davis.

3. Who is Vince Lane and what does he hope to accomplish?

4. What happens to Lafeyette and Pharoah in regard to their education?

5. What does Rickey do that displeases LaJoe?

6. How does the judge make LaJoe feel after Lafeyette's hearing?

7. Describe Lafeyette's frame of mind at Craig's funeral.

8. How do Pharoah and Lafeyette happen to run into Rickey on their way for a treat?

9. Why does Pharoah stay up all night on December 30th?

10. Why do LaJoe and Lafeyette back off from trying to stop the beating of a man by some Horner gang members?

(see the answer keys)

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