There Are No Children Here Test | Final Test - Easy

Alex Kotlowitz
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

There Are No Children Here Test | Final Test - Easy

Alex Kotlowitz
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which child did LaJoe take with her to Terrence's trial?
(a) Lafeyette
(b) Rochelle
(c) Pharoah
(d) Weasel

2. How does Lafeyette dress for Craig's funeral?
(a) in his only clean clothes
(b) in one of Terrence's suits
(c) in a deejay outfit
(d) in new jeans and a sweater

3. During the party, what does Dawn come running in to warn about?
(a) a riot in the streets
(b) a fire in the next building
(c) a police raid in the neighborhood
(d) gang activity going on in the next building

4. Who makes up Rickey's gang?
(a) mostly girls in the projects
(b) boys only thirteen- or fourteen-years-old
(c) drug runners
(d) boys all older than he is

5. What destroyed Paul's relationship with LaJoe and now with his children?
(a) drugs
(b) women
(c) abuse
(d) meanness

6. How does Craig Davis earn his living?
(a) as a gun dealer
(b) as a Boys Club counselor
(c) as a stock boy for a stationery company
(d) as a teacher

7. What is different about Terrence's appearance at the trial?
(a) He looked older and scared.
(b) His hair had started turning gray.
(c) He had been lifting weights and is now very muscular.
(d) His heair is all shaved off.

8. What bad dream does Pharoah have after the sentencing of his older brother?
(a) Terrence is carried away by a vulture.
(b) Terrence confronts a monster that is chasing him.
(c) Terrence is swimming in the middle of the ocean;
(d) Terrence falls from a cliff.

9. When did Lafeyette start imagining about having a dog of his own?
(a) after Craig was killed
(b) when a gang jumped him outside
(c) when tough Luck came with a gun
(d) hanging around with Bird Leg

10. What has Terrence accomplished in prison?
(a) earned a high school equivalency
(b) learned to read and write
(c) learned a new trade
(d) become a professional wrestler

11. In May of 1989, who holds a meeting with the Henry Horner tenants association?
(a) Craig Davis
(b) Vincent Lane
(c) Dawn Adams
(d) James Howard

12. Why are some boys beating a man outside Horner Homes?
(a) He was molesting one of the boys' cousins in a vacant apartment.
(b) He was an undercover police officer.
(c) He was trying to sell drugs to young children.
(d) They were trying to rob him.

13. Why does Lafeyette develop a terrible cough?
(a) He stays out all night in the winter.
(b) The open windows let in a cold winter draft.
(c) Because the policeman threw him in a puddle.
(d) He catches it from Rickey.

14. How does LaJoe see to it that the children have a good Christmas?
(a) by playing cards to win money at night
(b) by borrowing money from her mother
(c) by putting gifts on layaway for months
(d) by using her benefit money

15. Who wants to believe in magical things and be able to dream and imagine?
(a) LaShawn
(b) Rickey
(c) Lafeyette
(d) LaJoe

Short Answer Questions

1. Terrence commit the crime of ______________ and faces a ten year sentence.

2. What can LaJoe not get a gang to stop doing near her house?

3. When LaJoe tells Weasel, her oldest son, what the man did to her, what does Weasel do?

4. What does the teacher, Mr. Rogers, promise the class if either Clarise or Pharoah wins the spelling bee?

5. After placing second behind Clarise, what really makes Pharoah happy?

(see the answer keys)

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