The World's Religions Test | Final Test - Easy

Huston Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The World's Religions Test | Final Test - Easy

Huston Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who was the person from whom Christianity originated?
(a) Jesus, a high priest of the Jews
(b) Jesus, a Jewish carpenter
(c) Jesus, a Jewish tax collector
(d) Jesus, a Jewish fisherman

2. What is the sect of Islam that is introspective and mystic?
(a) Sheikhism
(b) Shi'aism
(c) Sunnism
(d) Sufism

3. What is the greatest threat to the primal religions?
(a) Modern interpretation
(b) Passing time and literacy
(c) Disbanding of tribes
(d) No missionary efforts

4. How is the length of Jesus' ministry best described?
(a) It lasted four decades before he was crucified.
(b) It lasted thirty years and then he was crucified.
(c) It was short and then he was crucified.
(d) It was cut short by his resurrection

5. When did Muhammad receive his commission as the Prophet?
(a) On Ramadan 1, 700 A. D.
(b) About five centuries after Christ
(c) About 300 B. C.
(d) Around 610 A. D.

6. What comprised the majority of the major prophets' work in Jewish history?
(a) Annointing of new kings
(b) Judging civil cases
(c) Denouncing the misuse of ruling authority
(d) Giving the Jewish Law to the people

7. What does Huston Smith say is the daunting task as the world grows smaller?
(a) Building better weaponry
(b) Selecting one religion for all
(c) Improving human relations
(d) Finding a place to live

8. What was the scratched drawing that came to identify Christians with the Good News?
(a) The ankh
(b) The sign of the fish
(c) The eye of God
(d) The star of David

9. How does primal polytheism differ from that of the Greeks and Romans?
(a) The deistic position to ancestors, animals, and objects, does not rule out the primal idea of the Supreme Being.
(b) The Greek and Roman gods were not as capricious as the primal dieties.
(c) The primal gods are not given any kind of shape or form.
(d) The primal gods are not assigned specific tasks they accomplish.

10. How is it said that Jews are more united?
(a) In who they know rather than what they know
(b) In where they live rather than how they live
(c) In what they do rather than what they think
(d) In how they do business than where they do business

11. What was the argument for the existence of the church?
(a) It was needed to show its spiritual beginnings.
(b) It was needed to interpret scripture.
(c) It was needed for its political clout.
(d) It was needed to replace temples of idolatry.

12. In Islam, what is the responsibility of the husband of more than one wife?
(a) That the first wife picks out the second
(b) That he favor the one who bears sons
(c) That he treat each equally
(d) That he keep them in separate houses

13. What was the main cause of the rise of Protestantism?
(a) Eccliastical excesses in the Roman church
(b) Language barriers
(c) Different interpretation of scripture
(d) Acceptance of Eastern orthodoxy

14. Where did Muhammad make his most converts early on?
(a) In Medina
(b) In Mecca
(c) In Jerusalem
(d) In Cairo

15. What major change did Islam cause?
(a) Tollerance for different religions
(b) Great social and moral change among the Arabic people
(c) Exemplifying the different classes of people
(d) Putting women on an equal status as men

Short Answer Questions

1. Where did the mystical body of Christ come into being?

2. What was the groundwork Judaism laid because of its view of history?

3. What is the central essence of the Catholic mass?

4. What knowledge does religion offer that pure science does not?

5. With what were the minor, or writing prophets, concerned?

(see the answer keys)

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