The World's Religions Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Huston Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The World's Religions Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Huston Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter VI, Islam, The Standing Miracle, | Chapter VI, Islam, Basic theological Concepts, | Chapter VI, Islam, The Five Pillars,.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What historical event occurred just as Confucius began teaching?
(a) The arrival of Marco Polo
(b) The collapse of the Chou Dynasty
(c) The Peloponnesian War
(d) The birth of Mohammed

2. What was the conflict of Confucius' teaching and the mood of the times?
(a) Confucius taught democracy at a time when feudalism was flourishing.
(b) Confucius taught family tradition in a time when individualism was on the rise.
(c) Confucius taught pacifism at a time when wars were increasing.
(d) Confucius taught frugality at a time of extravagance.

3. Who profits most from raja yoga?
(a) Those with a scientific bent
(b) Those who visit ashrams
(c) Those of royal lineage
(d) Those who have not achieved mental clarity

4. What are the Hindu stages of life?
(a) Student, marriage, retirement, detachment
(b) Birth, separation, retirement, death
(c) Infant, student, career, enjoyment
(d) Fetus, birth, education, work

5. How does Islam nail down the actions of humans?
(a) Good, evil, hopeful, and accidental
(b) Wrong, right, exceptional, and loving
(c) Advised against, forbidden, and allowed
(d) Forbidden, indifferent, and obligatory

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the irony of assigning god-like attributes to the Buddha?

2. What major change did Islam cause?

3. What is the Chinese concept of ch'i?

4. How does the yogi eliminate distractions of the mind during raja yoga?

5. What did religious Taoism accommodate that other religions in China did not?

(see the answer key)

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