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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What does Sophie wish, as the travelers cross through Wales?
(a) That they would stop more.
(b) That they would never see the sea again.
(c) That they would get to Bompie's quicker.
(d) That they could go home.
2. What is the difference between the wave in Sophie's dream and the wave that hit the boat?
(a) Its shape.
(b) Its size.
(c) Its color.
(d) Its texture.
3. What type of ship does Cody contact?
(a) A Canadian warship.
(b) A South American tanker.
(c) An American cruise ship.
(d) A French cargo ship.
4. What does Uncle Stew really want to do for a living?
(a) He wants to be a firefighter.
(b) He wants to be an artist.
(c) He wants to be a sailor.
(d) He doesn't know.
5. When the winds pick up, what do the sailors do to the mainsail?
(a) They let it out to make it bigger.
(b) They tie it to make it smaller.
(c) They bring it down and replace it with a wind-sail.
(d) They attach it to an additional sail.
6. How many miles has The Wanderer traveled, at the beginning of Chapter 35?
(a) Around 2,300.
(b) Around 1,800.
(c) Around 800.
(d) Around 1,300.
7. What do the crew do to practice radio code?
(a) Make fake radio-code calls to each other.
(b) Ask for food by radio-code names.
(c) Call each other by abbreviated radio-code versions of their names.
(d) Have special radio-code conversations a half-hour a day.
8. How does Cody feel about his father's lessons in radio code?
(a) He is disinterested in them.
(b) He hates them.
(c) He finds them boring.
(d) He enjoys them.
9. After the wave hits, who becomes "Mr. Fix-It"?
(a) Brian.
(b) Uncle Dock.
(c) Cody.
(d) Uncle Mo.
10. Who gets into a fight, as the boat approaches land?
(a) Uncle Stew and Brian.
(b) Uncle Mo and Cody.
(c) Uncle Stew and Uncle Mo.
(d) Uncle Mo and Uncle Dock.
11. What does Sophie do when she finally realizes that she's telling Bompie her own story?
(a) She starts to cry.
(b) She starts to scream.
(c) She faints.
(d) She runs out of the room.
12. What do the travelers try to use for navigation after the wreckage of the storm?
(a) The currents.
(b) The sextant.
(c) The GPS.
(d) The sun and moon.
13. Why does Sophie keep waking up Cody?
(a) She can't sleep.
(b) She's having nightmares.
(c) She wakes him for his shift on watch.
(d) She keeps asking questions.
14. Where are Sophie and Cody, when Sophie tell him the story of Bompie at the ocean?
(a) At the helm.
(b) In their bunks.
(c) At the masthead.
(d) In the galley.
15. What poem does Dock recite from, when the boat reaches sight of land?
(a) The Ocean's Song.
(b) Out of the Rolling Ocean, the Crowd.
(c) The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.
(d) The ocean said to me once.
Short Answer Questions
1. After the destructive wave hits the boat, how does Cody say he feels?
2. What does Brian accuse Sophie of, when she's upset about the job she gets?
3. In his story about Rosalie, what does Uncle Dock trade for a boat rental?
4. What similarity does Brian notice and comment on among Sophie's Bompie stories?
5. When Cody's father tells him that Cody's been a good son and he's been a bad father, what does Cody think?
This section contains 611 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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