The Untouchable (novel) Test | Final Test - Easy

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The Untouchable (novel) Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 199 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Bakha do after he sits down in the alley where he has been unable to get any attention from the houses?
(a) He plots revenge against the priest.
(b) He prays.
(c) He falls asleep.
(d) He begins to weep.

2. Why does Bakha decide it would be best not to let Ram Charan know about the hockey stick?
(a) Ram Charan might tell Lakha about how Bakha has spent the afternoon.
(b) Ram Charan might tease him about it and spoil the joy of the gift.
(c) Ram Charan might go to Charat Singh and ask for a similar hockey stick.
(d) Ram Charan might try to steal the stick for himself.

3. What is the "pleasantest surprise" Bakha receives when he nears Ram Charan's home (77)?
(a) There is an English band.
(b) Ram Charan's sister smiles at him.
(c) Gulabo greets him warmly.
(d) Chota is there.

4. When Rakha taunts Bakha and refuses to give up the broom, how does Bakha feel?
(a) He worries that Rakha's personality will isolate him from others.
(b) He is filled with jealousy over his father's favoritism.
(c) He thinks Rakha is just being a child and still loves him.
(d) He is shocked at the wave of hatred he feels for his brother.

5. What does Bakha criticize his brother for when they are eating?
(a) Eating with dirty hands.
(b) Chewing with his mouth open.
(c) Dropping food on the floor.
(d) Being greedy with the food.

6. What does Bakha anticipate his father's reaction will be if he tells him about his day's problems?
(a) He will make Bakha apologize to the priest.
(b) He will blame Bakha.
(c) He will not understand why Bakha is upset.
(d) He will be angry and want revenge.

7. Why does Bakha think there is a chance that Ram Charan will have skipped his sister's wedding?
(a) He and his sister are estranged.
(b) He disapproves of the match.
(c) His family needs the money from his work.
(d) He skipped his father's funeral.

8. Why does Bakha think that his father will not object to his leaving if he says he is going to see Ram Charan's sister's wedding?
(a) He knows that his father will be interested in getting some of the wedding sweets.
(b) He knows that his father is hoping that Bakha himself will marry soon.
(c) He knows that his father is very impressed with Ram Charan's family.
(d) He knows that his father loves everything to do with weddings and celebrations.

9. What word does Colonel Hutchinson object to Bakha using to describe him?
(a) Havildar.
(b) Hakim.
(c) Sahib.
(d) Padre.

10. Where do Chota and Ram Charan go before the hockey game?
(a) Back to their homes.
(b) To look for the priest.
(c) To finish their work.
(d) With Bakha to the barracks.

11. Who throws the rock that strikes the babu's younger son?
(a) The babu's elder son.
(b) Chota.
(c) Bakha.
(d) Ram Charan.

12. What does Charat Singh have that is "mounted with gold" (91)?
(a) An ammunition belt.
(b) Eyeglasses.
(c) False teeth.
(d) A hockey trophy.

13. What does his trip to the kitchen cause Bakha to remember?
(a) Being yelled at by a cook when he was small.
(b) The guests at Ram Charan's sister's wedding.
(c) His dream about the little girl.
(d) The food his mother used to cook.

14. How is Bakha feeling when he first arrives and surveys the happy wedding crowd?
(a) Tired and apathetic.
(b) Afraid and self-conscious.
(c) Envious and angry.
(d) Jovial and relaxed.

15. Why does Bakha feel sympathy for the younger of the babu's sons?
(a) He knows that the boy's older brother often neglects him.
(b) He knows that the little boy gets into trouble for spending time with Bakha.
(c) He knows that the babu favors his older son.
(d) He knows how desperate the little boy is to play in the game.

Short Answer Questions

1. What instruction does Charat Singh give Bakha about the hockey stick?

2. What is Bakha asking for when he shouts up at the houses from the street?

3. What does the text refer to as the "noblest part of the body" (88)?

4. What does Rakha say he will kill Bakha for?

5. How does Bakha feel about Charat Singh, most of the time?

(see the answer keys)

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