The Untouchable (novel) Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Untouchable (novel) Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 199 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What word does Bakha use to refer to British soldiers?
(a) Squaddies.
(b) Redcoats.
(c) Tommies.
(d) Pongos.

2. Where did Bakha acquire a taste for the Western way of life?
(a) At his British-run school.
(b) Working in a British barracks.
(c) Playing hockey in other towns.
(d) Traveling with his uncle.

3. How old is Bakha?
(a) 16.
(b) 18.
(c) 17.
(d) 15.

4. Who are the few men who come to the latrines wearing long white tunics and loose trousers?
(a) Sepoys.
(b) Fakirs.
(c) Muslims.
(d) Priests.

5. What is so soothing to Bakha about the smaller street, familiar to him since childhood, that he turns into when he leaves the crowded bazaar?
(a) The smell of spices from the spice merchants' shops.
(b) The sight of the English musical instruments.
(c) The feeling of the much cooler air against his skin.
(d) The sound of the children playing marbles.

6. What is the priest's real motivation in serving Sohini first?
(a) He is intentionally slighting Gulabo.
(b) He admires her piety and humility.
(c) He takes pity on her low status.
(d) He is physically attracted to her.

7. What does Bakha tell Sohini he is going to do when he sends her home with his cleaning equipment?
(a) Go to get the family some food.
(b) Go back and kill the priest.
(c) Go back and make the priest admit what he did.
(d) Go make a complaint to the police.

8. Why does Bahka not immediately apologize when he is accused of bumping the man in the street?
(a) He is paralyzed with fear.
(b) He does not hear what the man is saying, at first.
(c) He does not think he really bumped the man.
(d) He thinks the idea of ritual pollution is ridiculous.

9. Why do the outcastes gather in a crowd at the well?
(a) It is a chance to talk and exchange gossip.
(b) They must wait for someone higher-caste to draw the water.
(c) It is a chance to take a break from their long workdays.
(d) They are not allowed to draw water until all of the higher-caste homes have drawn theirs.

10. On page 6, what do the outcaste boys start calling Bakha after he starts wearing British clothing?
(a) "Bakha-Britain."
(b) "Sergeant Sweeper."
(c) "Imitation sahib."
(d) "O bey brother-in-law."

11. What motivates the babu's son to agree to give Bakha lessons?
(a) Compassion.
(b) Money.
(c) Pride.
(d) Fear.

12. What did Bakha's uncle tell him when he first said that he wanted to be a "sahib" (30)?
(a) That he would miss his family.
(b) That he would have to go to school.
(c) That it was impossible.
(d) That he would need to find another job.

13. What does the narrator say is "a sort of intoxication" for Bakha (11)?
(a) Women.
(b) British culture.
(c) The sun.
(d) Work.

14. What does Bakha buy from the betel-leaf shop?
(a) Cigarettes.
(b) Tea.
(c) Medicine.
(d) Matches.

15. What does the word "Pundit" mean (19)?
(a) A religious leader.
(b) A scholar.
(c) A merchant.
(d) A high-caste person.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why did a rich merchant once give Lakha a buffalo cow?

2. What did Lakha borrow money from Ganesh Nath, the bania, to pay for?

3. What is the job of the young man who is interested in Sohini?

4. Why are Chota and Ram Charan eager for the babu's sons to be at the hockey game?

5. Of all of the cloths in the market, which is Bakha most drawn to?

(see the answer keys)

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