The Thing About Jellyfish Test | Final Test - Easy

Ali Benjamin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Thing About Jellyfish Test | Final Test - Easy

Ali Benjamin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Suzy's father's fortune say in the chapter titled Goodbye, Ming Palace?
(a) A smooth long journey! Great Expectations.
(b) Luck will find you.
(c) Wasted opportunities are not refundable.
(d) You can not unring a bell.

2. In the chapter titled Goodbye, Ming Palace, what story does Suzy hear on the car radio?
(a) Diana Nyad has suffered a serious shark bite.
(b) Diana Nyad is attempting to swim from Cuba to Florida again.
(c) Jamie Seymour has died.
(d) Jamie Seymour is coming to Massachusetts.

3. What distinguishes the musical piece 4'33''?
(a) All the instruments are 4 feet and 33 inches long.
(b) There are only 4 french horns playing the piece.
(c) There are 433 performers.
(d) The performer sits quietly for exactly 4 minutes and 33 seconds.

4. What happens between Justin and Suzy that is significant in the chapter titled Goodbye, Thor?
(a) Suzy asks Justin to go to the dance with her.
(b) Justin asks Suzy to go to the movies with him sometime.
(c) Suzy speaks directly to Justin for one of the first times.
(d) Suzy kisses Justin.

5. In the Chapter titled Venom, what does Suzy tell Jamie about jellyfish?
(a) That they are endangered.
(b) That they are ugly.
(c) That they are hard to understand.
(d) That they are fragile.

6. In the chapter titled Pollination, what does Justin Maloney hand in late to Mrs. Turton?
(a) His test.
(b) His entire science report.
(c) His homework from earlier in the year.
(d) His report bibliography.

7. What theme does Suzy's class choose for the winter dance?
(a) Under the Sea.
(b) The Wild West.
(c) Heroes and Villains.
(d) Rock Stars.

8. In the chapter titled Look at Me, what does Suzy discover that makes her feel even worse about what she has done to Franny?
(a) Suzy's mother has found out what she has done to Franny.
(b) She has gotten an F in science for the year.
(c) She has gotten her first period.
(d) Franny's mother has come to school to pick her up.

9. What is one of the things related to science that scares Suzy?
(a) She is worried about drug-resistant bacteria.
(b) She is intimidated by all there is to learn about various fields of science.
(c) She knows the universe is constantly expanding and she realizes she will be stuck in a sort of in-between place in it forever.
(d) She knows energy is very powerful.

10. What does Suzy's mother say when Suzy asks her who all the people at Franny's funeral are?
(a) They are all Franny's family's friends.
(b) They are people who also lost family members to drowning.
(c) They are all Franny's relatives.
(d) Funerals are different when it is a child.

11. Where does Suzy decide to take a significant and secret trip to?
(a) England.
(b) Italy.
(c) Australia.
(d) New Zealand.

12. What does the school secretary bring to help Franny gather her things from her locker in the section titled Look at Me?
(a) A rolling cart.
(b) Plastic bags.
(c) Pillowcases.
(d) Plastic laundry baskets.

13. In the chapter How to Know Things Have Changed, what happens that makes it very clear to Suzy that Franny has moved on to other friends?
(a) Franny tells Suzy that Suzy needs to find new friends because she is too poor for Franny to hang out with.
(b) Franny tells Suzy never to call her again.
(c) Suzy rides her bike to Franny's house and sees her hanging out with other girls there.
(d) Franny tells Suzy that Suzy is too embarrassing to hang out with any more.

14. How much cash does Suzy want to take with her on her trip?
(a) $100.
(b) $8000.
(c) $500.
(d) $1000.

15. What does Suzy say is something you might not know about what people feel at funerals?
(a) That sometimes people feel happy.
(b) That sometimes people feel suspicious.
(c) That sometimes people feel hatred.
(d) That sometimes people feel confused.

Short Answer Questions

1. After Suzy sends Franny her big message, what does she wait for?

2. In the chapter titled Goodbye, Ming Palace, what does Suzy realize about keeping secrets?

3. In the chapter titled How to Lose a Friend, where is the sixth-grade campout held?

4. In the chapter titled Terribly Wrong, what grade does Mrs. Turton give Suzy for her report?

5. In the chapter titled Terribly Wrong, what does Justin Maloney give to Suzy after her science report?

(see the answer keys)

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