The Testament Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Testament Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Nate do while Jevy goes to the trading post?
(a) Huddled in the boat trying to resist buying alcohol.
(b) Talking to the villagers.
(c) In the crow's nest.
(d) In a local motel asleep.

2. What is happening back in the States?
(a) Troy has finally come out of his coma.
(b) Troy tells Josh to continue pretending Troy is dead.
(c) Troy's family have tried to find and destroy Troy's most recent will.
(d) It is time to read Troy's will.

3. What does Marco demand?
(a) Payment for his dead cow.
(b) Payment for his wrecked airplane.
(c) Payment to get them off the island.
(d) Payment for his wrecked boat.

4. After Troy has finished all the business he wants to do, what does he do?
(a) Has lunch with his favorite daughter.
(b) Commits suicide.
(c) Leaves on a plane for South America.
(d) Kills his lawyer for betraying him.

5. What does Jevy say that he regrets saying?
(a) That he often has a cold beer at the trading post.
(b) That most lawyers would be best use for alligator bait.
(c) That Nate had better not drink.
(d) That Americans should all burn in fire.

6. Of what is the firm leery when Nate is off the wagon?
(a) Nate's tirades.
(b) Embezzlement.
(c) Bad publicity.
(d) Nate's maudlin attitude at work.

7. What happens to an heir that contests the will?
(a) Nothing.
(b) The heir has to come up with 10 good reasons the will should be changed.
(c) That heir receives nothing.
(d) That heir recieves 1/2 of the original amount.

8. What is Tira hoping to do?
(a) Take Ramble's money from him.
(b) Manage Ramble's share of the money.
(c) Kill off the other relatives to get more money.
(d) Seduce Josh to get more money.

9. Where does Nate go from Walnut Hill?
(a) To the firm's office.
(b) To Josh's home.
(c) To his apartment.
(d) Directly to the airport.

10. Why does Jevy go searching for Nate?
(a) He is worried about Nate.
(b) Jevy had been paid well to help Nate navigate the Pantanal and he intended to complete his mission.
(c) Nate owes him money.
(d) He wants to know if they are still leaving.

11. Why does Sergio pull away from Nate?
(a) He doesn't like Nate's bull.
(b) Nate told him to bug off.
(c) To help him be able to leave the rehab center.
(d) He is not longer Nate's counselor.

12. How much does Nate give Marco?
(a) 1000 pesos.
(b) 50 dollars.
(c) 100 dollars.
(d) 10,000 dollars.

13. What is difficult about getting to the Pantanal?
(a) It is not approachable by land.
(b) It is only approachable by air.
(c) It is hostile to Americans.
(d) It is a forbidden area for foreigners.

14. How does Sergio start weaning Nate from Walnut Hill?
(a) By having Nate start withdrawing from his friendships there.
(b) By having alcohol and/or drugs laying on his desk during counseling.
(c) By reintroducing fat into his food and exposing him to the media.
(d) By verbally harrassing Nate.

15. Why would the family's lawyers want the family to contest the will when it says anyone who contests it gets nothing?
(a) They are greedy for retainer fees.
(b) They think the will is unjust.
(c) They would enjoy pitting themselves against the system.
(d) They are not the best lawyers in the world.

Short Answer Questions

1. What are Phelan's assets approximately worth?

2. What is the surprising clause in Troy's final will?

3. Whose in-laws suddenly become warmer to her when they realize she has a large amount of money coming in?

4. Where do they make an emergency landing?

5. What does the autopsy on Troy reveal?

(see the answer keys)

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