The Relic Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

Lincoln Child
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The Relic Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

Lincoln Child
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 3, He Who Walks On All Fours: Chapters 42-48.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whose body was supposedly found mutilated in the museum, thus starting the rumor of the museum beast as related to Margo in Chapter 15?
(a) A young museum visitor.
(b) A missing curator, Montague.
(c) A past director of the museum.
(d) A security guard.

2. Why is Pendergast at the crime scene in Chapter 14?
(a) He was sent by Washington D.C. to investigate.
(b) He is curious about animalistic killings.
(c) He was sent for by the director of the museum.
(d) He is investigating a similar set of murders in New Orleans several years before.

3. To whom does Whittlesey write a letter before sending his crates away?
(a) Cuthbert.
(b) Crocker.
(c) Montague.
(d) Maxwell.

4. What happened to the original Museum of Natural History in 1911?
(a) It was moved to higher ground.
(b) It was destroyed in an earthquake.
(c) It sank into soft soil.
(d) It burned down.

5. Why do the authors discuss the growing odd behavior of visitors to the museum and the employees of the museum in Chapter 24?
(a) To show the growing fear and paranoia involved in the murder investigation.
(b) To fill pages.
(c) To explain why the killer chose the museum.
(d) To distract from the main plot.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many claws does the Mbwun figurine have on its front legs?

2. What reasons does Pendergast give that the killer is human?

3. In what way does Pendergast suggest Dr. Wright is obstructing the murder investigation?

4. What does D'Agosta want to do as the guests arrive that Coffey overrules in Chapter 42?

5. Who has the Whittlesey journal?

(see the answer key)

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