The Prestige Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Prestige Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who in Angier's family dies in Section 11, Part 4?
(a) His sister, Judy.
(b) His uncle, Henry.
(c) His mother, Judy.
(d) His brother, Henry.

2. What does Angier do with the object Koenig tries to tell him in Section 14, Part 4?
(a) Purchases it and reads it with his wife.
(b) Purchases it, but delays reading it.
(c) Snatches it from Koenig's hand and rips it up.
(d) Snatches it from Koenig's hand and throws it.

3. After the power was shut of in the middle of Angier's performance, how much weight did he lose in the following weeks?
(a) 20 lbs.
(b) 60 lbs.
(c) 30 lbs.
(d) 50 lbs.

4. What last name does Oliva give when applying to work for Bordon?
(a) Westminster.
(b) Westcombe.
(c) Westerman.
(d) Winkler.

5. Angier writes in Section 14, Part 4 that he continues to live in London as a resident who __________________.
(a) Others do not like.
(b) Does not contribute to society.
(c) Cannot be seen.
(d) Is more important that he used to be.

6. How does Borden look when the partial Angier finds him with the intention of killing him?
(a) Depleated with worry and stress.
(b) Grey-haired and physically weak.
(c) Young, strong, and healthy.
(d) Like he hasn't slept in weeks.

7. What is one reason that the partial Angier decides to kill Borden?
(a) So Borden can never out-perform him again.
(b) Angier blaims Borden for his current state of duplicity.
(c) He believes Borden will kill him otherwise.
(d) To protect Julia from Borden.

8. After being hired by Bordon, what does Olivia send her maid to do at Angier's?
(a) Deliver love notes to Angier.
(b) Forward her belongings to her.
(c) Blackmail Angier.
(d) Keep Angier company.

9. Why will Angier's plan for a final revenge on Borden truly bother Borden?
(a) Borden will never be able to forgive himself for what he's done to Angier.
(b) Borden will know it was Angier, but Angier is supposedly dead.
(c) Borden will be forced to admit that Angier is a better magician than him.
(d) Borden will have to retire knowing he is not London's best magician.

10. Why is Angier planning to stage his own death?
(a) To trick Borden.
(b) So fans will stop hounding him.
(c) To spend more time with Julia.
(d) So he can pretend to come back from the dead as a final trick.

11. What does Angier do when Tesla increases the price charge for creating the apparatus Angier wants?
(a) Angier agrees to pay it.
(b) Angier laughs and refuses to pay any more than the original price.
(c) Angier barders with a counter-offer.
(d) Angier gets angry and leaves.

12. Angier vows to perform Borden's illusion even better than Borden within ___________ of his return from America.
(a) One month.
(b) One week.
(c) One season.
(d) One year.

13. How does Angier initially contact Julia when he returns to take over his father's estate?
(a) A messenger.
(b) A letter.
(c) A phone call.
(d) He shows up at her door.

14. Angier decides to never put Julia in danger again after her miscarriage, so what does he do?
(a) Hires an assistant.
(b) Divorces her.
(c) Hires a bodyguide for her.
(d) Locks her in her room.

15. When Angier's In A Flash becomes a success with Tesla's machine, what remains a problem for Angier?
(a) Finding a trustworthy assistant.
(b) The set up time for the performance.
(c) The ticket price.
(d) Disposal of the prestige material.

Short Answer Questions

1. When is the partial Angier invisible?

2. What is the second condition Julia sets in order for her to return to Angier?

3. How does Borden sign his note to Angier that reads, "I know the address you go to with Sheila MacPherson"?

4. What does Angier resolve to do as his final revenge on Borden?

5. What does Angier say the new process for In A Flash causes for him?

(see the answer keys)

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