The Prague Orgy Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Prague Orgy Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Zuckerman tell Olga she does not care about when negotiating the manuscript?
(a) Poverty.
(b) Cats.
(c) Literature.
(d) Politics.

2. What does Olga scribble to Zuckerman on a notepad in his hotel room?
(a) To speak louder.
(b) She wants to leave.
(c) To shut up.
(d) Turn out the lights.

3. What profession did Novak's father hold?
(a) Army officer.
(b) Postman.
(c) Machinist.
(d) Policeman.

4. Who does Zuckerman offer to marry Olga to in negotiating the manuscript?
(a) Sisovsky.
(b) Himself.
(c) A friend of his.
(d) Oldrich Hrobek.

5. Where does Zuckerman fly first when leaving Prague?
(a) Berlin, Germany.
(b) St. Petersburg, Russia.
(c) Warsaw, Poland.
(d) Geneva, Switzerland.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the agent Zuckerman hands his passport to at the airport remark Zuckerman is?

2. What older American best-seller is virtually unknown but Novak thinks it is a masterpiece?

3. Where had Sisovsky's father stayed during the war, according to Olga?

4. What does Zuckerman wonder if it is even that good and if retrieving it is worth the trouble after trying to meet Oldrich Hrobek?

5. On what date does Zuckerman awake to a phone call from Olga in his hotel lobby?

Short Essay Questions

1. What objective does Zuckerman reveal to Olga over breakfast? What is her response?

2. When did Bolotka enter university? What was his major? What did he want to change it to?

3. What did Blecha drunkenly admit to Bolotka one night? What was Bolotka's response?

4. What story does Olga relate over breakfast about having been taken to an office building by the authorities?

5. How does Roth establish a hazy line between truth and reality in the narrative? How is this revealed in the Czech student?

6. What does Olga tell Zuckerman he wants to gain by getting the manuscript? Why is her situation different?

7. What is the major difference between Zuckerman and the other characters in "The Prague Orgy"?

8. What does the Czech student warn Zuckerman of at the hotel?

9. What does Novak represent symbolically in the narrative?

10. Where does Zuckerman go after leaving Prague? How does he feel about the situation?

(see the answer keys)

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