The Pillars of the Earth Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Pillars of the Earth Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Philip decide to do with the baby that Francis brought to the monastery?
(a) He gives the baby to a peasant family.
(b) He leaves the baby at a convent.
(c) He decides to keep the baby and raise it in the monastery.
(d) He gives the baby to an orphanage.

2. What does the prisoner do after the noose is placed around his neck?
(a) He starts to sing.
(b) He begins to beg for mercy.
(c) He begins to scream.
(d) He begins to cry.

3. What are the values of the boys who gather in the marketplace?
(a) They respect their elders and parents.
(b) They scorn beauty and despise goodness.
(c) They believe in God and holy works.
(d) They believe in goodness and kind deeds.

4. How does Philip plan to speed up the work on the cathedral repairs?
(a) Anyone who works on the cathedral will receive a full pardon for all their sins as well as food and drink.
(b) He raises the mason's daily wage.
(c) He has the masons work overtime.
(d) He brings in more masons from the city.

5. What action does the person take who screamed at the prisoner's death?
(a) Grabs the prisoner's dangling feet
(b) Takes a cockerel out of a sack and slices its throat
(c) Takes a lamb and stabs it in the heart
(d) Throws feces at the accusers

6. Why does Peter of Wareham become angry with Prior Philip?
(a) Philip tells Peter to be more humble.
(b) Philip assigns Peter the role of almoner, which requires a lot of travel.
(c) Philip forces Peter to fast and pray.
(d) Philip forces Peter to clean the cathedral.

7. What is the condition of Tom and his family by the time Christmas arrives?
(a) They are doing well because of Tom's new job.
(b) They are happy to be together in a warm cave.
(c) They are starving
(d) They are healthy and warm in a new home.

8. Where is Tom's third child born?
(a) In a frozen forest
(b) In a monastery
(c) In a church
(d) In a warm cottage

9. Who does William Hamleigh almost run down with his powerful war horse?
(a) Agnes
(b) Martha
(c) Aliena
(d) Tom

10. What is the condition of the monastery after 2 years under the care of Prior Philip?
(a) It is in dire straits.
(b) The monastery is dirty and unkempt.
(c) The monks are hungry and the monastery in ruins.
(d) It is self sufficient and morale is high.

11. Who are the three men that ride behind the oxcart that carries the prisoner?
(a) The king, the queen, and the priest
(b) A knight, a priest, and a monk
(c) A monk, the king, and an earl
(d) An earl, a prior, and a knight

12. Why do the townspeople find the whole situation of the hanging strange?
(a) Hangings usually take place in private.
(b) They find it strange that no one is going to see the hanging.
(c) They are not used to seeing a man hanged.
(d) They don't understand why the condemned man would steal something he couldn't resell.

13. What question does Tom ask Ellen after staying with her for a time?
(a) What can he do to help her?
(b) Can his family stay with her?
(c) Will she marry him?
(d) Can she take care of his family while he goes to find work?

14. What is one of the first things Philip does in his new priory?
(a) He cuts the food portions of the monks.
(b) He puts the monks to work and provides them with more food.
(c) He has all the monks go into fasting and prayer.
(d) He stops the monks from working and tells them to pray

15. What type of people live in the homes of the town square?
(a) Craftsmen and traders
(b) Prostitutes
(c) The poor of the town
(d) Soldiers

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the secret compromise that Philip proposes to the Hamleighs about the forests and quarry in Shiring?

2. Who nudges the sheriff impatiently, wanting to hurry along the hanging?

3. What type of death does the prisoner experience when the oxcart is pulled away?

4. What is the condemned man accused of stealing?

5. Who catches the thief red-handed with the stolen silver chalice?

(see the answer keys)

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