The Paris Apartment Test | Final Test - Medium

Lucy Foley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Paris Apartment Test | Final Test - Medium

Lucy Foley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Of which of the following does Camille smell?
(a) Dior.
(b) Armani.
(c) Gucci.
(d) Versace.

2. Which of the following antique weapons does Jacque collect?
(a) Rifles.
(b) Spears.
(c) Pistols.
(d) Swords.

3. To whom does Sophie compare Antoine's wife?
(a) Bardot.
(b) Derek.
(c) Monroe.
(d) Gabor.

4. What is the name of the police officer with whom Nick and Jess meet?
(a) Griselle.
(b) Noireut.
(c) Bleucote.
(d) Blanchot.

5. What is the name of Antoine's wife?
(a) Dominique.
(b) Bridget.
(c) Angelica.
(d) Jessica.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Nick arrives at Sophie's apartment after Mimi's upset, what color shirt is he wearing?

2. What artist's work is on display at the restaurant where Sophie and Ben meet?

3. When Nick arrives at Sophie's apartment after Mimi's upset, what color pants is he wearing?

4. What meaning does the concierge assert for her daughter's name?

5. Which of the following does a waiter recommend to Sophie instead of steak?

Short Essay Questions

1. What reason does the concierge give for continuing to work for the Meunier family?

2. How does Mimi costume herself for the party?

3. In his altercation with Antoine, how does Nick try to comfort himself?

4. What does Ben find in Jacques's study before Sophie confronts him?

5. What advice does Mendelson give to Jess as they hasten towards the Petite Mort?

6. How does Mimi interdict Ben's use of his scooter?

7. How are Mimi's paintings of Ben disfigured?

8. What does Nick overhear his father discussing with Ben in the basement over wine (221)?

9. What do Jess and Mendelson pass as Irina leads them away from Petite Mort (285)?

10. To what does Ben call attention that gives Sophie concern about the concealment of her origins?

(see the answer keys)

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