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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. On what date did Fry begin his diary?
2. In Chapter 26, what is the name of Dr. Marquis' brother who died shortly before the Battle of Maguaga?
3. In Chapter 22, when did Landor ask Poe to meet him in his hotel room?
4. Who begins to escort Poe to meet Landor in the evenings in Chapter 22?
5. Why did Mrs. Marquis sequester herself in her bedroom when Poe had tea at the Marquis home?
Short Essay Questions
1. In Chapter 24, how does Landor describe Lea Marquis?
2. Who is escorting Lea Marquis to Gouverneur Kemble's gathering in Chapter 30?
3. What conversation does Landor have with Mrs. Fry at her son's funeral?
4. Where does the Marquis family live?
5. When Poe first went to the Marquis home for tea, what musical entertainment was there?
6. What does Poe say when Landor asks him if Artemus left the parlor when Landor went upstairs with Dr. Marquis?
7. What arrangements are made at Benny Havens' establishment for times when one of Thayer's men would come looking for cadets?
8. How did Lea come to take Poe for a sleigh ride?
9. Whose uniform does Dr. Marquis say was in the back of Artemus' closet?
10. What lies does Landor learn that Poe has told?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Personification is a type of figurative language that assigns human characteristics to inanimate objects. How does the Bayard use personification in the book? How does the use of personification assist readers in imagining scenes and objects?
Essay Topic 2
Poe is very taken with Lea when he first meets her. Are his feelings love or infatuation?
Essay Topic 3
Occasionally Landor directly speaks to readers. This is called “breaking the fourth wall.” How does it seem that the narrator is having conversations with readers throughout The Pale Blue Eye? How do these conversations provide information to readers that characters may not be privy to? What is the purpose of breaking the fourth wall?
This section contains 934 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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