The Painted Veil Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Painted Veil Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Mother Superior treat Kitty since the discovery of her pregnancy?
(a) She is more kind and friendly with her.
(b) There is no change in her manner towards Kitty.
(c) She is more standoffish to Kitty.
(d) She becomes more easily frustrated and mean to Kitty.

2. As Kitty and Walter are entering Mei-tan-fu, what do the Chinese servants point out to Kitty?
(a) A sign in Chinese bearing the city's name.
(b) An archway memorial for the dead.
(c) A beautiful bridge.
(d) A picturesque waterfall.

3. Why doesn't Kitty tell Mother Superior about her unhappiness and its cause?
(a) She doesn't want Mother Superior to think ill of her.
(b) Walter has forbidden her from telling Mother Superior.
(c) The language barrier prohibits Kitty from telling Mother Superior her feelings and circumstances.
(d) She doesn't regret her actions.

4. How does the Chinese surgeon think that Walter contracted cholera?
(a) From experimenting on himself.
(b) From spending so much time with the sick.
(c) From drinking unsanitary water.
(d) From eating salad.

5. Why doesn't Kitty converse with Sister St. Joseph on her first visit to the convent?
(a) Sister St. Joseph does not speak English.
(b) Kitty is afraid of her.
(c) Sister St. Joseph has taken a vow of silence.
(d) Sister St. Joseph is deaf.

Short Answer Questions

1. What modes of transportation do Kitty and Walter utilize to get to Mei-tan-fu?

2. Where do Waddington and Kitty make an excursion to on a Sunday in Chapter 53?

3. When Kitty arrives at the convent to offer her services in Chapter 48, why is Mother Superior crying?

4. How does Waddington regard the Catholic nuns of the convent?

5. Who is the first person to suppose that Kitty is expecting?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Waddington describe Walter?

2. How does Kitty describe the chapel at the convent?

3. How does Kitty describe Waddington's Manchu mistress?

4. What are Kitty's initial feelings towards the young orphan children and do her feelings change over time?

5. How does Kitty describe the city of Mei-tan-fu as she is carried to Walter's deathbed?

6. What does Sister St. Joseph think about Waddington?

7. How does Waddington describe Dorothy Townsend?

8. After visiting the convent, why does Kitty feel so unhappy back at the bungalow.

9. How does Waddington describe his religious views to Kitty?

10. When Kitty asks Waddington about immortality, what is his response?

(see the answer keys)

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