The Painted Veil Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Painted Veil Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What skill of Walter's does Kitty learn about from the nuns that surprises her?
(a) Walter is an excellent cook and helps with meals at the convent.
(b) Walter is very fluent in French.
(c) Walter has an excellent singing voice.
(d) Walter is very good with babies and loves to play with them.

2. What startles Kitty when she accompanies Waddington on her first walk outside of the bungalow?
(a) A procession of widows.
(b) A dead peasant.
(c) An abandoned child.
(d) A large water buffalo.

3. What do the Nuns do with infants as soon as they come into the convent?
(a) Sing to them.
(b) Feed them.
(c) Baptize them.
(d) Innocluate them against cholera.

4. What habit of the Fanes does Waddington find surprising and dangerous?
(a) The rarely bathe or wash.
(b) They house several sick invalids.
(c) They eat fresh salad.
(d) They eat raw meat.

5. Why doesn't Kitty converse with Sister St. Joseph on her first visit to the convent?
(a) Sister St. Joseph is deaf.
(b) Sister St. Joseph does not speak English.
(c) Sister St. Joseph has taken a vow of silence.
(d) Kitty is afraid of her.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Mother Superior hesitate to allow Kitty to work in the convent?

2. What gift does the Manchu mistress give to Kitty?

3. As Kitty and Walter are entering Mei-tan-fu, what do the Chinese servants point out to Kitty?

4. How do the older Chinese orphan girls spend their time at the convent?

5. What does Sister St. Joseph like to discuss with Kitty?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Kitty describe Waddington's Manchu mistress?

2. How does Waddington describe his religious views to Kitty?

3. How does Waddington try and comfort Kitty about Walter's death?

4. After Mother Superior agrees to let Kitty work in the convent, what advice does she give her?

5. How does Kitty describe Mother Superior's appearance?

6. How does Waddington describe Walter?

7. What are the first emotional hints that Kitty may be pregnant?

8. How does Waddington describe Dorothy Townsend?

9. How does Kitty feel when she realizes she is no longer in love with Charlie?

10. What does Sister St. Joseph think about Waddington?

(see the answer keys)

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