The Painted Veil Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Painted Veil Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What startles Kitty when she accompanies Waddington on her first walk outside of the bungalow?
(a) A dead peasant.
(b) An abandoned child.
(c) A large water buffalo.
(d) A procession of widows.

2. What is Kitty's first impression of Sister St. Joseph's demeanor?
(a) She seems distracted and unintelligent.
(b) She is very rude.
(c) She is easy-going and very good-humoured.
(d) She is extremely pious and grave.

3. What modes of transportation do Kitty and Walter utilize to get to Mei-tan-fu?
(a) They ride on a cargo ship and walk the remainder of the way.
(b) They take a train and ride in a carriage.
(c) They take a steamer and are carried in chairs.
(d) They take a ferry and ride on donkeys.

4. How do the nuns regard Kitty's pregnancy?
(a) They are indifferent to her pregnancy.
(b) They feel her pregnancy is a sin.
(c) They are curious and excited.
(d) They find her pregnancy an inconvenience.

5. After Kitty learns of Walter's work and talents, how does she regard him?
(a) She is envious of him.
(b) She is proud of him.
(c) She is disappointed in him.
(d) She is completley indifferent towards his work.

6. What work does Walter quote with his last words?
(a) A verse in St. John in the Bible.
(b) A Shakespearean sonnet.
(c) A Chinese proverb.
(d) Goldsmith's Elegy.

7. Why doesn't Kitty converse with Sister St. Joseph on her first visit to the convent?
(a) Sister St. Joseph has taken a vow of silence.
(b) Sister St. Joseph is deaf.
(c) Kitty is afraid of her.
(d) Sister St. Joseph does not speak English.

8. Why does Kitty attend the daily services in the chapel with the other nuns and children?
(a) Walter has pressured her to attend them.
(b) She finds it restful.
(c) Mother Superior has asked her to attend them.
(d) She is worried about offending Mother Superior by not attending.

9. What compliment does Mother Superior pay Kitty when she sees her in disarray in Chapter 52?
(a) She tells Kitty she is very beautiful.
(b) She doesn't compliment, but reprimands Kitty instead.
(c) She compliments Kitty on her hard work.
(d) She tells Kitty she has a soothing voice.

10. What does Mother Superior describe as her last sight of France?
(a) A beautiful sunset behind the cityscape.
(b) The golden figure of Saint-Marie la Grace.
(c) Her family waving from the harbor.
(d) The Eiffel Tower.

11. Where do Waddington and Kitty make an excursion to on a Sunday in Chapter 53?
(a) To visit a new British family from Hong Kong.
(b) A neighboring city.
(c) A Buddhist monastery.
(d) A beautiful waterful.

12. What French delicacy does Mother Superior serve Kitty during tea?
(a) French cakes called Madeleines.
(b) A type of French goat cheese.
(c) French bread called baquettes.
(d) French crepes.

13. When Walter asks Kitty if the baby is his, what is her response?
(a) She refuses to answer.
(b) She tells him it is Charlie's.
(c) She doesn't know.
(d) She tells him it is his.

14. How do the older Chinese orphan girls spend their time at the convent?
(a) They put on elaborate plays.
(b) They play card games.
(c) They study mathematics and history.
(d) They do embroidery and sewing.

15. As Kitty spends more time with the nuns, how does she feel about the Catholic faith?
(a) She begins to adopt Catholic beliefs and wishes to be baptized.
(b) She feels too unworthy to become a Catholic.
(c) She admires the nuns, but does not share their beliefs.
(d) She is disgusted by Catholic beliefs.

Short Answer Questions

1. As more time passes with Kitty working at the convent, how does she reflect on Charlie's appearance?

2. When Kitty asks Walter if he wanted her to die from cholera in Chapter 57, what is his response?

3. What token do the nuns send to Kitty after Walter's death?

4. What do the Nuns do with infants as soon as they come into the convent?

5. How does Waddington regard the Catholic nuns of the convent?

(see the answer keys)

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