The Memoirs of Cleopatra: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Margaret George
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Memoirs of Cleopatra: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Margaret George
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What news does Cleopatra have for Caesar?
(a) She is getting married.
(b) She is pregnant.
(c) She is giving up the throne.
(d) She is dying.

2. What does Caesar promise Cleopatra when he returns from battle?
(a) To marry her.
(b) To take her home to Egypt.
(c) To stay in Rome for awhile if she will.
(d) To recognize Caesarion publicly.

3. Whose home does Cleopatra visit during the festival?
(a) Marcus Aurelius'.
(b) Caesar's.
(c) Octavion's.
(d) Marc Antony's.

4. Cleopatra is encouraged about Ptolemy's health because he wants to _________________.
(a) see a play.
(b) go sailing.
(c) take a walk.
(d) have a banquet.

5. How is Cleopatra received by the people of Rome?
(a) She is popular.
(b) She is ignored.
(c) She is exiled.
(d) She is unpopular.

6. Why does Cleopatra need help from Olympos?
(a) To give her an ointment for a rash.
(b) To bring down a fever.
(c) To give her a potion for headache.
(d) To calculate when she will give birth.

7. How does Calpurnia feel about Caesar's indiscretions?
(a) She hates them.
(b) She ignores them.
(c) She accepts them.
(d) She is unaware of them.

8. What Egyptian words do Caesar and Cleopatra speak in front of a priest at Philae?
(a) Marriage vows.
(b) Battle plans.
(c) Unification strategies.
(d) A truce.

9. Why does Cleopatra feel vulnerable where Caesar is concerned?
(a) She feels uncomfortable around Calpurnia.
(b) She is not sure if he loves her like she loves him.
(c) She thinks he may want to imprison her.
(d) She does not feel beautiful around the Roman women.

10. Olympos and Mardian teach Cleopatra to _____________.
(a) ride a horse.
(b) swim.
(c) play a harp.
(d) fly a kite.

11. Why does Cleopatra think that Caesar has brought her to Rome?
(a) To marry her.
(b) To kill Caesarion.
(c) To imprison her.
(d) For some personal political gain.

12. How does the elder Ptolemy die?
(a) He is beheaded
(b) He is stabbed.
(c) He drowns.
(d) He is hanged.

13. Where is Caesar murdered?
(a) On a ship.
(b) Walking to the baths.
(c) At his home.
(d) On the Senate floor.

14. How do Caesar and Cleopatra travel?
(a) By wagons.
(b) By horseback.
(c) By barge.
(d) By camels.

15. Who does Cleopatra choose to oversee her wardrobe?
(a) Omorose.
(b) Charmian.
(c) Monifa.
(d) Zahra.

Short Answer Questions

1. After her father's death, Cleopatra is to co-rule with ______________.

2. As a child, Cleopatra is taken to the throne of ______________ and told that she is her daughter.

3. How old is Cleopatra at the time of the memory?

4. How old is Caesar at this time?

5. Cleopatra has to travel to _____________ to discredit a man claiming to be the elder Ptolemy.

(see the answer keys)

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