The Maze Runner Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

James Dashner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Maze Runner Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

James Dashner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is one aspect that Newt describes happening to a person during the Changing in Chapter Twenty-Three?
(a) The person begins turning into a machine.
(b) The person wants to devour blood.
(c) The person's memories come back.
(d) The person loses all of their memories.

2. Who does Alby say Thomas was with in his memory of him during the Changing in Chapter Thirty-One?
(a) His parents.
(b) The Grievers.
(c) The Creators.
(d) Newt and Sarah.

3. Who has begun going through the Changing at the end of Chapter Twenty-Two?
(a) Alby.
(b) Frypan.
(c) Winston.
(d) Newt.

4. What group of Gladers are the only ones allowed to go into the Maze?
(a) The Slicers.
(b) The Runners.
(c) The Sloppers.
(d) The Track-hoes.

5. For how long has Thomas been running in the Maze when he stops and decides he must head back before the Doors close in the beginning of Chapter Twenty-Nine?
(a) Two hours.
(b) Three hours.
(c) One hour.
(d) Thirty minutes.

6. Who are the Med-jacks that carry away the girl to the Homestead in Chapter Nine?
(a) Jack and Mark.
(b) Clint and Jeff.
(c) Newt and Chuck.
(d) Alby and Gally.

7. What does Alby begin to do as he talks privately with Thomas in the recovery area in Chapter Twenty-Seven?
(a) He begins to attack Newt.
(b) He begins to strangle himself.
(c) He begins to speak in German.
(d) He begins laughing uncontrollably.

8. Who suggests that Thomas replace him as the Keeper of the Runners at the Gathering in Chapter Twenty-Four?
(a) Minho.
(b) Newt.
(c) Ben.
(d) Gally.

9. What have Thomas and Minho accomplished that has never been done before, in Chapter Twenty-Two?
(a) They have crossed through the Griever Hole.
(b) They have died and been reborn.
(c) They have transformed into Grievers.
(d) They have survived a night in the Maze.

10. Who greets Thomas and Minho when the Doors open and they reenter the Glade in Chapter Twenty-Two?
(a) Newt.
(b) Teresa.
(c) Winston.
(d) Frypan.

11. What word does Thomas see printed on the torso of a beetle blade in Chapter Nine?
(a) GLADE.

12. What is the single item of furniture in the Slammer?
(a) A bed.
(b) A chair.
(c) A table.
(d) A book shelf.

13. What is the name of the boy that is crazed and going through the Changing in Chapter Four?
(a) Clint.
(b) Zart.
(c) Jeff.
(d) Ben.

14. Who is the Keeper of the Slicers?
(a) Gally.
(b) Minho.
(c) Winston.
(d) Ben.

15. Who does Thomas recall having informed him that the the beetle blades are devices belonging to the Creators in Chapter Eighteen?
(a) Frypan.
(b) Clint.
(c) Winston.
(d) Alby.

Short Answer Questions

1. What word, used to describe Ben in Chapter Fourteen, means an insane person?

2. Who are the Gladers that are in charge of using the pole during the Banishment of Ben in Chapter Fourteen?

3. The first gravestone that Thomas examines at the cemetery in Chapter Ten has what name written on it?

4. Who does Thomas room with on his first night in the Glade?

5. What does Minho say the number one supply is that the Runners receive when he takes Thomas to the shed in Chapter Thirty-Two?

(see the answer keys)

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