The Maze Runner Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

James Dashner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Maze Runner Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

James Dashner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 41 - 42.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Alby say the Gladers water their crops in Chapter Seven?
(a) With water hauled from the river.
(b) With water from pipes.
(c) With rainwater.
(d) With water hauled from the lake.

2. Where does Thomas go to sleep for the night in the beginning of Chapter Twenty-Nine?
(a) The Deadheads.
(b) The Fortress.
(c) The cemetery.
(d) The Homestead.

3. Where has Ben been taken for punishment after being treated by the med-jacks in Chapter Thirteen?
(a) The Pin-Pen.
(b) The Estuary.
(c) Sing Sing.
(d) The Slammer.

4. What does Minho do when the Grievers begin to approach in Chapter Seventeen?
(a) He runs into the forest.
(b) He climbs the vines on the Wall.
(c) He grabs his knife to fight them.
(d) He takes out his bow and arrows.

5. Who does the Griever take it when it leaves the Homestead in Chapter Thirty-Nine?
(a) Winston.
(b) Minho.
(c) Dave.
(d) Gally.

Short Answer Questions

1. The first gravestone that Thomas examines at the cemetery in Chapter Ten has what name written on it?

2. Who does Alby say Thomas was with in his memory of him during the Changing in Chapter Thirty-One?

3. Who oversees all of the cooking and food preparation for the Gladers?

4. What does Alby tell Newt to protect as he drifts back to sleep in the end of Chapter Twenty-Seven?

5. How old does Chuck say he "probably" is in Chapter Nine?

(see the answer key)

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