The Marrow Thieves Test | Final Test - Medium

Cherie Dimaline
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Marrow Thieves Test | Final Test - Medium

Cherie Dimaline
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. On which character do Rose and Wab turn their backs in the chapter called The Other Indians, causing Dimaline to refer to him as "a dangerous animal" (99)?
(a) Cliff.
(b) Travis.
(c) RiRi.
(d) Lincoln.

2. What was Isaac's nickname for Miigwan?
(a) Migs.
(b) Mimi.
(c) Manacle.
(d) Wanshee.

3. Frenchie states that he feels different since he took what action?
(a) Kissed Rose.
(b) Killed Lincoln.
(c) Killed Travis.
(d) Kissed Wab.

4. When The Potential of Change begins, it is which day of constant snow?
(a) The 5th.
(b) The 12th.
(c) The 3rd.
(d) The 20th.

5. The cottage to which Isaac and Miigwan went had been a hunting camp belonging to which member of Isaac's family?
(a) Uncle.
(b) Mother.
(c) Grandfather.
(d) Aunt.

Short Answer Questions

1. On which night of Miigwan and Issac's encounter with the group of men was Isaac captured?

2. Which character attempts to choke RiRi before another character runs away with her?

3. To what location does Frenchie go after he leaves the company of Rose in the chapter called Loss?

4. In the chapter called The Long Stumble, Frenchie holds the gun until he hears sounds made by what objects?

5. What type of stew do Travis and Lincoln share with Frenchie's group in the chapter called The Other Indians?

Short Essay Questions

1. In what way does Dimaline use sensory details to indicate the presence or lack of safety in the narrative?

2. What is revealed to have been the reason for the bandana-wearing group's aggressive approach?

3. How many languages does Isaac speak and what are they?

4. What is the symbolism of the ceremonial jingles?

5. At what moment do Miigwan and his group figure out that Travis and Lincoln are not their allies?

6. Discuss a clue that points to a burgeoning romance between Chi-Boy and Wab.

7. Which character is described as a "dangerous animal" (99) in the chapter called The Other Indians and for what purpose does Dimaline use the metaphor?

8. What aspect of the strangers' appearance puts Miigwan's group at ease in the chapter called The Other Indians and why is this fact ironic?

9. In what way does the scene involving the ceremonial jingles in Rigarou Comes Hunting connect with the novel's epigraph section?

10. What method does Dimaline use to remind the reader that while Frenchie faces many adult problems, he is still only a teenager?

(see the answer keys)

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