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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Where does Laurel remind Emma that they are going?
2. What does Sutton remember about what she did to Thayer?
3. What does Emma accept about Sutton?
4. What does Sutton feel as she looks at Laurel's computer through Emma's eyes?
5. What does Emma start to suspect as the girls play a drinking game?
Short Essay Questions
1. What happens when Emma gives Laurel the note Emma found in Emma's pocket?
2. What does Garrett say about Charlotte?
3. What does Emma find as she searches Laurel's computer and how does Sutton react?
4. Where does Emma go for a sleepover and why is Gabby disgruntled?
5. Why does Emma go to the bathroom and why does Sutton feel badly for Emma?
6. Describe the video Emma finds when Charlotte, Madeline and Laurel are choking Sutton.
7. What does Becky say to Emma in a dream and what happens when Emma wakes from the dream?
8. Why does Emma invite Madeline to the spa and what do the two talk about?
9. Why does Emma tell Ethan the whole story about her being there?
10. What does Emma realize about Sutton and why?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Many readers of fiction place themselves in the position of one character, wondering if they would do the same thing as that character. Discuss the following:
1. Do you think one of the values of literature is to serve as a reflection of oneself? Why or why not?
2. Socrates said "Know thyself." How can reading a book such as The Lying Game help a reader to know him/herself? Do you find yourself reflecting on your own character and abilities when reading The Lying Game? Why or why not.
3. Choose one specific incident in The Lying Game to discuss and compare one of the characters' response to how you think you would respond.
Essay Topic 2
Discuss the following:
1. What is a plot? What are the most important elements of a plot and their definition? Do all novels have a plot? Why or why not?
2. Write a brief synopsis of the plot of The Lying Game, identifying where the various elements of the plot occur (Exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution or denouement). Do you find it difficult to identify the plot? Why or why not? What about the various elements of the plot?
3. Identify the major sub-plots and their elements in The Lying Game. (The subplots may not contain every element of a major plot). Do the sub-plots add to the main plot? Why or why not. Are the sub-plots interesting in and of themselves? Why or why not?
Essay Topic 3
Titles often play a vital role in making a person decide to read a particular book. Discuss the following:
1. Fully explain why you think The Lying Game is titled as such. Do you think it is the best title for the book? Why or why not? Can you think of a better title? Why would you choose it?
2. How important is a title in influencing you to consider reading a book? Explain your answer.
3. Do you think a title needs to have direct relevance to a book's content? Explain your answer.
4. Have you ever read a book that when you finished, you do not understand the relevance of the title? Does it discourage you from "trusting" that particular author again?
This section contains 1,211 words (approx. 5 pages at 300 words per page) |
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