The Leftovers Test | Final Test - Easy

Tom Perrotta
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Leftovers Test | Final Test - Easy

Tom Perrotta
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is the area code from on the cell phone Tom uses to call his father in Part Four?
(a) Vermont.
(b) Ohio.
(c) New York.
(d) Maine.

2. Who is the school counselor that has met with Kevin regarding Jill's grades in Part Three?
(a) Mr. Coleman.
(b) Ms. Durst.
(c) Mr. Skandarian.
(d) Ms. Margolis.

3. What author is Tom nicknamed after by the Barefoot People in Part Four?
(a) Ernest Hemingway.
(b) Samuel Beckett.
(c) Jack Kerouac.
(d) Jack London.

4. What is Henning's first name?
(a) Jack.
(b) Ed.
(c) Phil.
(d) Mark.

5. What color is the house that is called Outpost 17?
(a) Blue.
(b) White.
(c) Yellow.
(d) Green.

6. What is the motto of The Feel Better Store at the mall in Mapleton?
(a) "Everything you never needed before."
(b) "Everything you need for the rest of your life."
(c) "Everything for the end of times."
(d) "Everything to forget who you are."

7. What is the first name of Mrs. Falk?
(a) Maria.
(b) Elizabeth.
(c) Marcella.
(d) Sarah.

8. What color hair does Gus have?
(a) Red.
(b) Blond.
(c) Gray.
(d) Black.

9. What is the name of Karen's husband?
(a) Jack.
(b) Phil.
(c) Chuck.
(d) Homer.

10. Who is Mapleton's longtime health inspector?
(a) Bruce Hardin.
(b) Doug Durst.
(c) Kylie Mannheim.
(d) Steve Wiscziewski.

11. What are described as "an essential mode of communication within the GR" in Part Three?
(a) Newspapers and magazines.
(b) Morse code.
(c) PowerPoint Presentations.
(d) Smart phones and text messaging.

12. Who is Eggy's departed fiancee and a former Kennedy School grad student?
(a) Michelle.
(b) Emily.
(c) Adrian.
(d) Anna.

13. Where does Jill consider attending college and commuting from home after her grades have plummteted in in Part Three?
(a) Rutgers University.
(b) Clemson.
(c) Louisiana State University.
(d) Bridgeton State.

14. How far along is Christine in her pregnancy when she and Tom are in Denver in Part Three?
(a) 6 months.
(b) 7 months.
(c) 4 months.
(d) 3 months.

15. Who has given Aimee her new job in Part Four?
(a) Mark.
(b) James.
(c) Derek.
(d) Phil.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Tom tell Henning Christine's name is when they meet at the bus station in Part Three?

2. Where does Kevin's sister live?

3. What is Mr. Falk's first name?

4. Who had been Nora's favorite college boyfriend?

5. What color is the new dress that Nora buys for Valentine's Day in "At the Grapefruit"?

(see the answer keys)

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