The House of God Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Samuel Shem
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The House of God Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Samuel Shem
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Roy mean when he refers to "Cooper's Droopers"?
(a) Arms.
(b) Teeth.
(c) Breasts.
(d) Ears.

2. The Wing of Zock was named for what?
(a) A former nurse who was killed in a car crash.
(b) A famous doctor who used to work at the House.
(c) A rich family who gave money to the hospital.
(d) The chief resident.

3. What does Roy's grandpa ask him to do?
(a) Get him out of his home.
(b) To get him some beer.
(c) Hide all of his money.
(d) Tell his mom where the will is when he dies.

4. Why does "Crazy Abe" tell Roy that he did good?
(a) Because he's Jewish.
(b) Because he scored a pretty nurse.
(c) Because he doesn't believe in God.
(d) Because he smuggled medicine to him.

5. Who is Dr. Jeff Cohen?
(a) The oldest doctor in the House.
(b) The richest doctor in the House.
(c) The psych resident.
(d) The EW resident.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where did the Fat Man keep all of his patients' information?

2. Who dies instead of the gomers, according to the interns?

3. The Fat Man's invention is called _______Anal Mirror?

4. What was Chuck the only of in his ward?

5. Passing a hospice on his walk, Roy is reminded of all the _____________ he treated the past year.

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Roy think that Jo throws herself into her work so vehemently?

2. How does Roy say the interns in the House of God handled intimacy?

3. What is Roy's mother's reaction when she senses his ambivalence about medicine and the internship?

4. What is a LOL in NAD?

5. In Chapter 10, what happens that forces Roy to really think about death?

6. What happens when Potts hydrates the gomer Ida against the Fat Man's wishes?

7. Explain what "gomers go to ground" means and what it entails.

8. Why is Roy initially perplexed by the Fat Man's obsession with "The Wizard of Oz"? What does he then realize?

9. What is a SIEVE and a WALL?

10. On the average, how old are the gomers?

(see the answer keys)

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