The Hot Zone Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Richard Preston
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Hot Zone Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Richard Preston
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is a "hatbox"?
(a) A decontamination room.
(b) A biohazard container.
(c) A place to store tape and bandages.
(d) Where the space suits are kept.

2. When Peters travels to exotic locales, what does he enjoy doing?
(a) Learning the local dialect.
(b) Eating whatever the locals eat.
(c) Meeting the local health professionals.
(d) Finding the best local herbal remedies.

3. Who was the index case of Ebola Sudan?
(a) Mr. Yu G.
(b) Mr. P. G.
(c) Heinrich P.
(d) Charles Monet.

4. What is the fatality rate of Ebola virus?
(a) Ninety percent.
(b) Twenty five percent.
(c) Fifty percent.
(d) Ten percent.

5. What do the initials USAMRIID stand for?
(a) United States of America Reconnaissance and Investigation of Infection and Disease.
(b) United States Army Major Research and Investigation Division.
(c) United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases.
(d) United States of America Medical Research and Investigative Department.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who picked up the sample of Peter Cardinal's blood in Washington, DC?

2. Where does Dr. Peter Tukei work?

3. What does the word "filovirus" mean in Latin?

4. What disease did Peter Cardinal die from?

5. What is Colonel C.J. Peters' official title at USAMRIID?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is Dan Dalgard uneasy at the end of Part 2 Chapter 4?

2. Why is it not in the best interest of a virus to kill its host?

3. Describe what Tom Geisbert sees in his cell samples.

4. What is a diamond knife?

5. Describe "third spacing".

6. What disturbs Dan Dalgard at the end of Part 2, Chapter 2?

7. Why doesn't Johnson's Kitum Cave expedition study large animals such as leopards or elephants?

8. Why can't a monkey be autopsied in front of other monkeys?

9. Compare Peter Jahrling's and Gene Johnson's offices.

10. Why are the workers burning the fields? What impact could this have on the migration of microbes and the biodiversity of an area?

(see the answer keys)

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